So what, is this therapy?

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        Cassius and Serena's POV

"So you mean to tell me we have a child together?" Cassius said in a low growl.

I avoided his gaze.

"Look at me!" He barked –startling me.

"Hold on, are you getting upset?!
My sister nearly died bringing your bastard into this world and you think you have any right to get angry?!" Mata growled into Cassius's face.

"Get the hell out of my face Juan Mata!" Cassius bit off.

"Or else what?!" Mata stepped even closer to his face.

Cassius turned his head to the side to briefly chuckle without mirth before he turned around and clocked Juan Mata in the jaw so hard, it pushed him back a few paces.
The dark look in Juan Mata's eyes as he lunged for Cassius, snapped Juan Ignatio and I out from whatever spell we'd been under.

Juan Ignatio easily grabbed Juan Mata before he could reach Cassius and I inserted myself between them and pushed Cassius back a few measly paces.

"Let go of me! This bastard needs to be taught a lesson!" Mata growled –struggling futilely in Juan Ignatio's grip.

"I'm standing right here Juan Mata!" Cassius goaded.

"Hey! Hey! Don't!" I chided.

"And who's supposed to teach him the lesson?
Your wife is in there having your kids for God's sake!" Juan Paolo fumed as he stomped up to us.
"And what are you here doing?! Picking a fight with this... this... HIM of all people!
Get your priorities straight and get back in that hospital because Mena just had your first baby!" Paolo instructed.

"What?" Mata's fury vanished.

"You heard me" Paolo replied.

Juan Mata shook off Juan Ignatio's relaxed hold on him and sprinted for the hospital's elevator.
Juan Paolo looked at me, shook his head forlornly and walked away.

He can't possibly blame you for Juan Mata's tendency to always go looking for a fight?!

Yep. That's my brother.

With a defeated sigh, I headed for the elevator Juan Mata and Juan Paolo had just used to reenter the hospital; Juan Ignatio put out a hand to stop me.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked.

"To be there for Mena obviously" I stated.

"Mena will have her kids just fine whether you're there or not, this conversation however, will not" Ignatio advocated.

"You're kidding?" I was taken aback.

"Have the conversation, Mena will still be here when you get back" Ignatio assured.

Remember all the good things I've ever said about him?
Chuck that out the nearest window!

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