"It Is Love"

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Kendrick Lamar Duckworth.

"That's because that's these Compton streets was built not to win

You killed the nigga, I stole a bible, is that a sin?

Pardon me though, I'm searching for answers

The good kid from the ugly city, that's mad that he's handsome

Where is the love?"

Sitting at the desk with my notebook and pen writing my new track. Got my beat headphones on bobbing my head, feeling the beat. Zoned out. Thinking back on the life that I once lived and the life I'm about to start living now. Never thought a kid like me from Compton would ever make it. Who would of knew that all it took was a pen and dream. If it wasn't for Marley, my bestfriend, I would have gave up a long time ago. She pushed me and she never let me stop believing that some day I would make it big. Damn, she was right. I did it, I finally made it and its all because of her.

Tonight is the big night. I'll be signing my contact to Top Dawg Entertainment. Most people would probably be preparing for this and be really excited. But Me? Nah, I just wanna focus on my music. I'm not gone lie I'm kind of scared. I mean I don't want to change who I am, being in the industry might change who I am. I don't want to lose myself trying to fit in with how people may want me to be. I'm preparing myself for this by just staying true to who I am and being humble.


I knew that voice from anywhere, it was Marley. Before I could even respond she came bursting through the door looking at me all types of crazy.

"What?", I say in a confused tone.

"Why are you just sitting here in room alone? Your suppose to be getting ready for tonight and how dramatic your life is about to change. This is the best thing ever and you don't seem excited about it at all.. Why is that?"

"I am excited, I really am. I just.. I don't know", I say trailing off.

"Ugh Kendrick. Are you still caught up on the bitch Sherane? Just let it go, forget her. She was your first love and all but she set you up Kendrick. She tried to get you killed and your still wanna run back to her. I don't understand that at all", she comes and sits on my lap.

"Kendrick.. I just want you to be happy tonight is your night. Tonight is all about you, don't let anybody I mean anybody ruin that not even me. Okay?"

"Okay", I say in a sad tone.

"Now come on and let's go find your something to wear for tonight. I can't have you out here looking a mess on your big night."

She pulled me by my arm to the closet. Marley can always change my mood and make me feel better. Without her I would probably be in a jail or dead. I have really bad anger issues and she helps me to keep them under control. She is my release from reality, I don't know what I'd do without her.

Later that night.

I put on my clothes and look at the clock. It's 8:25, twenty minutes until I have to go to the meeting to sign my contact. Woah, this is scary. My whole life is about to change because of a signature on a paper.

I walk downstairs and my parents are there waiting for me. As soon as I step off the last step, my mom runs to me and hugs me tights. I hug her back. Here comes the water works, she is so dramatic. My dad just stands there looking at me.

"Women, if you don't stop babing him. He is a grown man now with a big, big future ahead of him. Come here Kenny, let me talk to you."

I let go of my mother, kiss her on the forehead and hug her one last time. I put my hands in my pocket and walk over to my father. He takes me out on the porch and he beings to talk.

"Kendrick. I know for a while now I've been pushing you to go forward with your rapping career and now you've made it. I can honestly sit here and say that I'm proud of you son", he pats me on the back. "You've made me and your mother proud. I love you"

He hugs me and I hug him back. This is all so weird because my father is not the emotionally type of guy. He usually puts on the tough guy role but now its different. I know with me becoming big I won't be able to see my parents very much. I'll miss them sincerely.

"I love you too dad."

My ride pulls up in front of the house. I say my goodbyes to my parents and hop in the car. While in the car I decide to finish my song that in started earlier.

"And if you ever renege, I'll still give you Kendrick Lamar, this is me / And that's love"

We pull up to a hotel.

In the hotel room.

We sit at a big, round table like business men. Top Dawg passes me the contract, I briefly read over it and then I sign next to the X.

X Kendrick Lamar

They pass me a glass of patron and a blunt. I stand up and look around the room, motioning everyone else to stand up with me.

"Now everybody smoke to it, for this is, the celebration."

This is the start of my new life, my life as K.Dot the rapper.

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