"Wanna Be Heard"

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Marley Lasha' Burnett.

This past week.. things have gotten better. Today I will be released from the hospital. I checked into the hospital with a broken arm, a few broken ribs, a couple bruises and a slight concussion. The doctor has been trying to get me to talk about what happened but I never said a word to him about it. I never said a word to anybody.

Benjamin has came to see me everyday in the hospital. I was happy to see him visit me, that just shows how much he loves me and didn't mean to hurt me. I know it was my fault. If I wouldn't have accused him of cheating, he wouldn't have gotten so angry and beat me. I love that man. He told me that after I heal up, we will start to plan for a wedding. He thought it was best if we hurried up and got married because he was very excited and couldn't wait to marry me. I thought that was so sweet of him. I couldn't stay mad at him for what he did to me so I've forgiven him.

Oh and did I say that Kendrick sent me a get well card and a dozen roses. I don't know how he found out I was in the hospital but it sweet of him to send me that. Benjamin was very upset with Kendrick doing that. But I made it clear that he was just a childhood friend who I haven't spoken to in years.

The beeping of the monitors were kind of annoying me, I wanted the noise to stop. Just as I was about to unplug the monitor, to stop the noise, the door swung open. And in came Doctor Sherman.

"Good morning Marley. How are you feeling today?" he said as he picked up my chart, flipping through the pages.

"Good morning Doctor Sherman. I'm feeling a whole lot better now." I said with a smile.

He started to walk to my bedside with the chart still in his hands. "Hm.. your chart looks good. You are recovering very fast which is good." He stopped looking at the charts and looked at me with a concern look on his face. "So are ready to tell me what happened to you?"

I knew he was going to ask me this. Every single day he asks me and I give him the same answer every single time. "It was an accident."

I huffed and turned on my side with my back facing him.

"You can't keep trying to protect him. I know your fiance did this to you. I can tell by the way you acted the first day he came to see you. I can't do anything to help you if won't tell me what really happened."

"It was an accident. He didn't hurt me."

I could hear the doctor footsteps, he was walking towards the door. "I left your release papers on table. Once you sign those you can leave. Also I left your prescriptions too." Then he walked out the door, shutting it.

I wish he just leave it alone. I said it was an accident so he needs to just take my answer and leave it at that. Maybe I should have told him, but it was best for me to not tell him. Benjamin was all I had and I didn't want to loose him, no matter how much he hurt me I knew he didn't mean it.

I turned over and signed the release forms. Then getting dressed and stuffing all of my clothes and papers I needed into my bag.


Benjamin picked me up from the hospital. He took the day off so we could spend time together. We planned on watching some TV and just talking like old times. We were laying on the bed, he had his arms around me holing me close. I missed things like this, I could get used to this. I turned to Wendy Williams show and she was having a special guest today.

"Okay. So today we have a special guest. I know you've all heard his music before. Especially his hit songs 'Swimming Pools' and 'Poetic Justice'. Welcome Kendrick Lamar!!!!!!!!!" Wendy said as she had a big smile on her face. The crowed cheered and then came out Kendrick. Mhm he looked very fine in his all white outfit.

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