"Vanity Slaves"

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Kendrick Lamar Duckworth.

Marley's big ass head was laying in my lap as she was fast asleep. We just landed in Atlanta not too long ago. The drive to the hotel was going to take a while because of the traffic. Since Marley is sleep and I need to occupy myself. I decided to go on Instagram.

Personally I hate social networks, it's nothing but people bragging about what they have, people faking their lifestyle and a whole bunch of lies. I don't like that. Why are people so caught up on what the new trend is or when is the next Jordan release? They need to be worried about getting an education and money. Maybe this is why white people think so low of us, African Americans, because of the dumb shit we do. Shaking my head. Society as a whole is all types of messed up.

We are all Vanity Slaves. A Vanity Slave is to be obbessed with how you look, doing anything to look good, getting things by any means and keeping up with trends. Scrolling through my TL effortlessly, I see exactly what I expected to see. I see people bragging about what they have. If you got money and all these expensive things then why brag about it? You aren't suppose to let people know what you got because they starting hating and it won't end pretty.

Women are posting half naked pictures of themselves but call niggas thirsty. How you gone look for a gentleman posting pictures like that? Those women who do that, have no respect for themselves. Men respect a women who can turn heads while she is fully clothed and doesn't have on make up. Now that's what you call real beauty.

What has the world come to? We are killing our own kind over the dumbest things. We should be joining together instead of killing each other. The white people are so succesful because they stick together. Us, African Americans, need to stick together so we can all be succesful. Our ancestors are probably turning in their graves at what we are doing. They didn't fight all those years for our freedom, just so we can kill each other.

My biggest fear is going broke. I want to be able to provide for my own family in the near future. I might not still be relevent years from now, so I watch my money carefully. I don't like spending the money I make on myself. I'll buy my family and my homies anything they need and want. But when it comes to me, I don't really like to buy myself expensive things. I've bought myself a few expensive things but I won't go over board. I'm just fine with wearing white tees, Nike cortez and levis jeans. I'm a simple guy and I like the simpler things in life.

Fourth five minutes later, we arrive at our hotel. I shake Marley lightly, "Get up. We're at the hotel." She wakes up and has the dumbest look on her face. You know that look you have on your face when you wake up from a nap, that's the exact look she had on her face. I couldn't help but laugh when I looked at her. She mean mugged me and got out of the car. I asked my security to bring our luggage up as we walked into the hotel. After checking in and getting our room key, we went to the room. I settled in my room and took a seat on the bed.

Marley Lasha' Burnett-Copper.

The hotel room had two bedrooms, a kitchen, living room, one bathroom that had two showers and two sinks, and a beautiful city view. My room was huge- a king size bed, TV on the wall, a balcony, two nightstands with lamps and a closet. Well if this is what it is like to be a rapper, I might have to go in the studio and drop a few songs. This was amazing, I never saw a hotel room like this ever before. I unpacked my suitcases and placed my clothes in it's rightful place in the closet.

I sit on the edge of the bed and look around. Thinking of possible things for me. to do. I get up and head to Kendrick's room to see what he is doing. Using index finger knuckle to knock on his door. I step back and wait for him to reply but he didn't so I turned the door knob. The door was unlocked so I walked in. Kendrick was sitting on the bed. He had on his beat headphones and a notebook and pen in hand. It was obvious that he was writing a new song because he was bobbing his head as he wrote.

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