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Marley Lasha' Burnett- Copper.

I had an amazing night last night with my amazing and loving husband. Only lords know how much that man means to me. He is the man I plan on spending the rest of my life with. Last night, he showed me how he loves me and how much he is willing to change for me. Others wouldn't believe me, if I told them that Benjamin changed, all they would say is, "Once a beater and a cheater always a beater and cheater." I won't let them cloud my mind with their insecurities because of what past men have did to them. I know Benjamin for who he truely is and I actually believe in him.

My relationship is my relationship, no one can tell me about my relationship. They don't know what goes on between us. They don't know all the love we shared, time and memories we have made, promises we made to each other and why we fell in love. Only we know about our relationship. We gone make it, I believe in us. I mean of course we go through some things but what couple doesnt? None. One day we will have children and live happily ever after, just like in the fairy tales. I have found my fairy tale in Benjamin.

I even told Benjamin about the kisses that Kendrick and I shared on some occasions. Surprisingly, he didn't get upset or snap out. All he did was say, "I forgive you babe. You always forgive me when I do wrong and I am forgiving you for your wrong doing. I won't dwell on it. So let's just move past all that." Boy was I loving this side of him.

Benjamin had to go to work this morning. Before he left, he made me breakfast in bed. The breakfast consisted of Belgium waffles and maple turkey bacon with a glass of orange juice, my favorite. Today I planned on going out with Kendrick. We are going to just chill at his house and catch up because we haven't talked to each other in so long. I couldn't wait to tell him all about last night and how Benjamin has changed. He will be so shocked and hopefully happy for me as well.


I fixed my long white shirt and adjusted my sun glasses on my face as I stepped out of my car. Once inside the condo complex, I took the elevator up to the sixth floor. I was at Kendrick's condo. I was confused when he told me that he lived here because I thought he lived in the house that the pool party was held at. He told me that the house was the TDE house, where him and his team chilled and hanged out at. I wasn't too shocked because I should have figured Kendrick wouldn't live in such a big house. He isn't a flashy person. "Bing!" That was the indication that I had finally reached the sixth floor.

I stepped out of the elevator and headed towards Kendrick's door. After knocking on his door a few times, he answers. He has on a plain white T-shirt and some basket ball shorts. I felt like I was kind of dressed up, even though I only had on a long white shirt and ripped jeans with sandles. I stepped into his condo and admired how nice and simple it looked inside. "This is nice Kendrick." I said as I removed my sandles and sat my bag on the kitchen counter. "Yeah I decorated it myself."

Kendrick took a seat on his couch and I took a seat next to him. He looked at me, "So wassup? I haven't heard from you since we came back to LA." "Yeah.. Umm. I've been busy with work and stuff." "Sure.." He said in a yeah right tone. A big smile grew on my face. "I have something to tell you." I say excitedly as I smiled widely. "What?" He said with raised eyebrows. "Benjamin did something really sweet last night. He had rose pedals all over the bed and floor, he left an apology letter. Also we took a nice bath and made up. I think he really has changed." Kendrick frowned and that caused my smile to soon fade."How do you know that he has actually changed? This could all be an act." I huffed. "Because I told him about how we kissed and he didn't get mad. He told me he forgave me and that we would past it." Kendrick looked unsure but just gave me a simple head nodd.

We watched a few movies and held small conversation. Kendrick even made dinner. This dinner consisted of a bowl of fruity pebbles. I was so irked when he gave me the bowl but I was hungry so I ate it. "I haven't had cereal in so long." "Shidd. I eat cereal everyday." "You still watch Martin too?" I asked. "You know I watch Martin, that's my show forever." I giggled. "Yeah that is the show." After eating our "dinner" we watching a couple episodes of Martin. I looked at my watch and saw that it was getting late. "I think I should get going, it's getting late." Kendrick gave me the puppy dog face. "No don't go." He said in a baby voice and pulled me onto his lap. I laughed at how childish he was acting. Before I knew it, our lips were connected in a passionate kiss. The kiss was like no other, it was like I felt some sort of connection between us.

He carried me to his bedroom by my butt. We both quickly undressed and he hovered over me naked. In my head, I knew I shouldn't be doing this but once I felt his hot tongue on my clit, all those thoughts went out the window. Moans escaped my mouth as he moved his tongue, this felt absolutely amazing. Once he finished that, we exchanged another kiss and in mid kiss I felt him enter me. I gasped, breaking the kiss. He began to thirst in and out of me as I moaned oh so loudly. Something about this felt different than when I did this with Benjamin.

I felt the love and passion in each thirst and kiss. It was so much emotion in this. This wasn't just sex, this was love. Nothing but pure love. This couldn't be because I love Benjamin. Why haven't I ever felt this way with Benjamin?

Kendrick Lamar Duckworth.

I was in a deep sleep with Marley laying on my chest as I held her close. Last night was something amazing. It felt like nothing I had ever felt. I wouldn't trade those feelings I felt last night with her for anything in this world. If I never loved a girl before, I can honestly say that I love my bestfriend. Better yet, I am in love with my bestfriend. Our sleep was interrupted by Marley's phone ringing. She quickly got up which woke me up.

She looked at me and down at her naked body. Her eyes grew wide and she was about to speak but her phone rung again. She answered her phone. "Oh hey baby.. Yeah.. I feel asleep at my friends house last night.. I'm sorry, it was totally unexpected.. Okay I'm on my way home now." She hung up her phone and started to scramble around the room to retrieve her clothing. Once dressed she walked out my room. I slid on my ball shorts and followed her. "So you just gone up and leave after what we did last night?" She huffed. "Kendrick. What happened last night was a mistake and it shouldn't have happened. I'm a married women."

She reached for the door knob and tried to open the door but I closed it. "I love you Marley." I confessed to her. Those words slipped out my mouth but I actually meant them. "I love you too Kendrick. Now I have to go." She tried to open the door again but I stopped her. "No Marley. I mean I really love you. I love you more than just a friend. This time that we have reconnected has brought some feelings to light and I have came to realization that I love you. I love you like you love a wife. I love you so much. No matter fact, I am in love with you Marley." She looked at me trying to find the truth in my eyes and found it. "I have to go." She reached for the door. "I can't let you leave until you tell me until I know the truth." "What truth?" She asked. "Tell me you don't love me the way that I love you and I will leave you alone forever."


In time, it'll come

Just stay focused and humble, my son

Show and prove, prove you're the one..


** The first chapter to the SEQUEL has been uploaded. The name of the sequel is "OVERLY DEDICATED". Go add it to your libraries.**

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