"I Do This"

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Kendrick Lamar Duckworth.

"Uh, I used to wanna be like Michael Jordan

Figured that I hit the NBA and make a fortune

Thank God for these rap recordings

I can ball like him on every verse and chorus"

I'm in the studio, recording my new single. I texted Marley the information for us to have lunch together, but she never texted me back. It's been a few days now and she finally decided to text me. She told me an excuse for why she has been avoiding me but I don't believe it. Her excuse was fairly stupid, she told me she was having some issues with her phone. Yeah ard she had issues with her phone, the lies she told me.

Today we are suppose to meet up for lunch if she doesn't stand me up again. Once I finish up in the studio, I'll head to the restaurant to meet her.

"Aight, I'm about to roll out." I said to my homies.

"Where you going Dot?" Soul asked me.

"Gotta go meet somebody for lunch." I say nonchalantly.

"Ooooo, Dot about to go see his girl." SZA said in a chuckle.

"That's not my girl, she's a friend but I gotta go, So I holla at y'all later." I said as I walked out of the studio door that leads outside. Once I reach the parking lot I pull out my phone and decide to text Marley to make sure she was still coming. She told me that she was still coming. So I got in my Rolls Royce, started it up and pulled off. Heading to the restaurant for this lunch date. For some strange reason I was actually nervous, maybe it was because I haven't seen her in forever. I wonder if she was still the same. Did she change? Does she remember everything from out childhood? Like the secrets we told every other and all the things we did together. I will just have to wait and find out.

I pull into a parking spot on the side of the restaurant. I take the key out of the ignition and sit back. Taking a deep breath, "Just go in there and act normal, be yourself. I mean she does know you for who you really are. Don't be nervous she's your bestfriend, well ex bestfriend." I had to give myself a pep talk in order to be able to go in that restaurant and face her.


I stepped into the restaurant and looked around. I looked to my left and saw Marley sitting at a table, sipping on her drink. She looked beautiful, wearing a black pencil skirt and a white bottom up that was tucked in with the first three buttons undone and you could see her breast. Her hair was pulled into a high bun, she had on light make up and red lip stick. She look amazing, just like I remember.

I walk over to the table and she stands up. We exchange an embracive hug before pulling away and taking our seats. Both of us had big smiles on our faces, just staring at each other. Then she began to laugh. "What you laughing for?" I asked her. "You" I looked at her confused "You still look like the same old Kendrick. But you look good, you've matured into a handsome man. I'm proud of you Kenny, I knew that you would make it big. " I smiled at what she just said. Now that I think about it she was the one who believed in me, even when I didn't believe in myself. I loved that about her, she never have up on me. "Thank you, I really aprreciate. You look beautiful." She smiled then looked down, stirring her drink with a straw and blushing. "You look really good, but you still look the same. The only difference is that you finally have a butt now." I began to laugh and so did she. She playfully pushed me as she laughed. "Ha ha, very funny Kenny. I see you still got them big ass ears."

Over the course of our lunch, we shared a lot of memories. We also talked about what we have been doing over these past years. You know, just catching up with each other. "So why did you stop talking to me? Every time I called or texted you, you never answered or responded. Why is that?" I asked her. The look on her face told it all, she looked sad when I brought that up. But the question needed to be answered. "I.. I just needed some time to myself. I kind of took what happened hard and began to push everyone away even my family. But now things are better and I'm doing better in life. I don't want to talk about the past." I nooded my head, to let her know that I understand.

We continued to laugh, share memories, and stories. It was like we never stopped talking. All those years of friendship and good times we shared were still there. Things were back to normal at this point. I loved it. Knowing that I had my childhood bestfriend back, made me happy. This was the first step to getting our friendship back. If we kept this up then we could be back in no time. Just wait on it.

"Remember that time we got caught smoking on the roof?" she asked as we both laughed remembering that night. "Yeah. Remember when you made me fight that boy for you because he kept calling you stick figure. You always made me fight for you when we were little kids." I said and laughed at the thought. "Yeah that was because I didn't have any brothers, I was the only child, you were like my brother. Since I couldn't fight the boy myself I got you to do it."

We both laughed as we shared some of our childhood memories. Those were the good old days. Things were so simple and easy back then. If I could be a child again I would. I used to always want to hurry up and be grown. Now that I'm grown I want to be a child again. Isn't that a bitch. My mom always told me be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. Psh, I love the life I live now and I am so blessed to be in the position I am now. All was made possible because my biggest supporter, Marley, wouldn't let me give up.

After two and a half hours of talking, we decided we should part our ways and meet up again. That would be very soon. As we wait for the waiter to come back with my black card, that I used to pay for our lunch, we stare at each other in total lust. Not lust as in we have feelings for each other but like in a friendship way. I think, I'm not really sure. The waiter finally comes back with my card and we exit the restaurant. I walk Marley to her car. I open the door for her to get in but before she got in, I stopped her. She looks at me, her look was doing all the talking, you could tell she wanted to know why I stopped her from getting in. I put a grin on my face. "Promise me that you'll go out to lunch or dinner with me again. No games or excuses this time." She looks away then back at me.

"I promise." I let her get in her car and watch her pull off.

Kendrick Lamar EP (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now