"I Am (Interlude)"

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Kendrick Lamar Duckworth.

Months have past and still I haven't talked to Marley. I don't know why I keep thinking about her. Maybe I just miss our friendship or just being able to talk to her about everything. I need to get her out my head because I have more important things to think about. No, I'm not saying that Marley and I friendship isn't important. It's just that the media is really bashing me right now. They just don't understand me at all. So I've wrote a little something, it's basically me setting the record straight. I'm letting everyone know who I am and how I am feeling.

This past week, I've started rehearsal for the Grammies. This is the perfect event to say my rap/speech at. Everyone will be watching the awards, tuned in, they will heard it and know who I am and hopefully stop bashing me. I was always taught to not let what others say about you get to you unless it's true. In this case it's different. They are judging me without even knowing me.

For those who know me, they know that I don't like to put my business out there and I keep to myself. I just don't want the media knowing all of my business. So I keep somethings to myself, I refuse to give them my parents or my brother and sisters name. I need my family to stay out of the media as much as possible because I don't want them to be attacked or stalked. I'm protecting my family by doing so. You're probably wondering why I said a few of my family member names in my previous songs. Well that was because they're names were needed to protray the story I wanted protray to the world. I used their nicknames and was careful to not give out their real names.

Only a few more days until the Grammies and I'm excited. I'm ready to get this over with and set the record straight. I haven't told anybody about what I will say or even let them read or hear it. Let's hope all works well.

Marley Lasha' Burnett.

Of course I was still thinking about my old time friend Kendrick and how we should rekindle our friendship. But at the same time I cannot pursue that right now. Benjamin has been acting different lately. He comes home very late in the evening, around 3a.m. I question him about it and simply replies, "I had to work late." He gives me that same answer every single time.

I've grown suspicious of that so I did a little investigating. I called his booking agent and asked her about his schedule. She told me that he hasn't been working late and the latest he stays to work is 9:30p.m. I had an idea up my sleeve so I asked her to give me all his bookings addresses and phone numbers for the past and current month. Then I got a list of the places he likes to go to and I also put a tracker in his phone and car. You may think I'm crazy for this one. I hacked the camera on his phone so I cab see who he is with if his phone is out. Oh yeah and I listen in on his phone calls too.

I am not playing with Benjamin. I may seem a little crazy for all of this but this is my soon to be husband. Not letting something ruin that. If I do find out that he is cheating I am going to leave him.

Days later.

Benjamin and I made plans tonight to have a nice romantic dinner. I had the best chef in California come to our house and cook a five star meal for us. I got really dressed up. Put on a tight red mini dress that showed my cleavage and some black red bottoms. Makeup was flawless and hair was wonderful. I paid the chef after he made our meal and let him out. Setting everything up, pulling the champagne out and putting the plates of food on the table.

Tonight we are having lobster with pasta and bread sticks. Very elegant and delicious. A dinner for two, or at least that what it was suppose to be. I sat there waiting for five hours and thirty two minutes to be exact. I cried so hard, it's like he forgot all about me and stood me up. So I decided to call him.

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