"Far From Here"

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Marley Lasha' Burnett-Copper.

I button up the last button on my jean shirt dress. I put on my thin tan belt and some gold accessories. To finish it off I put on my tan gladiator sandals that stop at my knees. Looking at myself in the mirror and am satisfied by the way I look. My hair was curly and i threw it in a nice messy bun. We were going to a casual restaurant so it was no need to get all dressed up. Before leaving my room, I grab my purple clutch bag that had a gold handel on it that I place on my shoulder.

I arrive at the hotel door and see Kendrick. He looked very nice but simple. A blue button up that was dark blue at the top and light blue at the bottom, dark jeans, and navy blue Nike cortez. A gold watch on his wrist and a good Jesus piece around his neck. Once he saw me a smile grew upon his face. "You look beautiful." I blush a little. "Thank you, you look very handsome yourself." "Thanks."

We exit the hotel and are swarmed by the paparazzi. They took a million pictures. The flash from the cameras almost blinded me. Kendrick held my hand as we walked through them. "Aye Marley does Benjamin know your here with Kendrick?!" "So are you cheating on Benjamin?!" "Do you know your husband is out with some other women?! Is that why you are here with Kendrick!?" "Kendrick is this your new girlfriend?!" "How do you guys know eachother?!" "Are you guys having an affair!?" They ask multiple questions but we don't answer any of them. We just get in the car and head to the restaurant.

"That was crazy." Kendrick said and I shook my head in agreement. I knew that they would put those pictures all over the internet and magazines. If Benjamin sees those photos, that's my ass right there. He will hit me and curse me out. I won't be able to do anything but take it. Deep down inside it, I felt it was my fault because I should of just stayed home.

We take our seats at the table. "Can I start you two off with some drinks?" Kendrick looks at me and tells me to go first. "Sure can I get a water with lemon?" The waiter turns to Kendrick. "And you sir?" "Umm... let me get a cranberry and pineapple juice." "Okay I'll be back in a few with your drinks." I flash him a smile as he walks away from the table. The whole ride to the restaurant I was quiet. I couldn't help but think of Benjamin and how he will react to those pictures.

"I know what you're thinking." I look up at Kendrick in shock and disbelief. How could he possible know what I was thinking? Was he a mind reader or something. "Don't worry about Benjamin. I could tell by the way you were on the ride here that something was bothering you. Don't let him scare you or let him put his hands on you again. You don't deserve the way he treats you. You need to leave him." I drop my head and let a few tears fall. "You don't understand Kendrick. I love him and he loves me." Kendrick huffed. "If he loved you he wouldn't hit you." "He only hits me because I make him mad. If I didn't make him mad, he wouldn't hit me." I defended and drop my head down again.

Kendrick uses his index finger to lift my chin up and looks me in my eyes. He uses his thumb to wipe my tears. "Baby girl that isn't love." The waiter comes to our table and places our drinks down. "Are you guys ready to order?" He asks us. I quickly fix myself as I begin to place my order and Kendrick does the same. Once the waiter leaves the table, we sit in silence. I ssqueeze the lemon in my water and drop it in it. Using my straw to stir it around and take a few sips.

Kendrick sighs and sits back in his seat, looking at me. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to be so harsh, it's that I want to see you happy. I want you to not be treated the say he is treating you." I glance at him and smile a small smile. "I know Kendrick. You have my best interest in heart but I got this. I can handle myself." He smiles at me and pulls out a black jewerky box. "I got something for you." He hands me the box and I open it up. Inside is a beautiful heart lock necklace. I open the heart lock and there is a picture of us when we were little. At this point, I was smiling like a little kid on Christmas day opening up presents.

"Kendrick this is beautiful. I love it." He stand up out of his chair and places the necklace on my neck. I'm still cheesing really hard and so is he. I look up at him as he looks down at me. Then we kissed, our lips moving in sync slowly. I loved every minute of it. In this moment right now, this felt so right but I know this wasn't right. I am married, I can't be kissing another man that is cheating. And I am most certainly not a cheater. I pulled away from the kiss. Kendrick sat back in his seat and the waiter gave us our food. We ate our food as we smiled at each other and had some small talk.


Benjamin called my phone gave me an ear full. Telling me how he had something waiting for me when I get back and that I don't know how to act. He said he is going to fix the way I act and that I can't be around Kendrick anymore. I love my husband but he can't stop me from being around Kendrick.

When we kissed, it was like sparks were flying. I felt something in the kiss, it was special in a way. I don't know how to exactly explain it but I loved the feeling it gave me. My thoughts were cut short when Kendrick entered my room. He didn't say anything he just got in the bed with me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He finally spoke up.

"It seems like, you can't win for losing

Whatever you're doing turns out to be "what-are-you-doing?"

Sick of pursuing, that your time will soon come

Nobody knows the position that you in

But it's a million people out there that's going through the same thing

That feeling, hard to explain

When you just, just want to get away

Something like."

I turn to face him. "Where did that come from?" "It just came to my mind. Have you ever felt like no one understands you or is there for you?" He asks me. I think about my answer before actually saying it. "Sometimes.." I say. "Well you shouldn't feel that way because I understand you and am always here for you. Always and forever." "Same here." He smiles. "Come on let's go sleep now. I got a lot planned for us tomar." We cuddle up and drift into a nice sleep.

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