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Marley Lasha' Burnett-Copper.

My heels clicked against the tiled floor as I walk through my office building. I share a few "Hello.", "Good morning." and I even flash a few smiles. Work seemed to be a place that kept me busy and kept my mind occupied. When my mind was occupied, it kept me from thinking about the things that happen at home. Home wasn't really a home to me, it was just a place that I layed my head at night. Nothing more and nothing less.

Today Benjamin was suppose to come home from his "business" trip. But he called me while I was on my way to work, and told me that he would be gone for another week or so. He claimed that he had some more "business" he had to take care of. That was total bullshit. He's probably fucking his so called "assistant". Sometimes I sit and wonder when Benjamin will ever change. I just want the Benjamin that I fell in love with, not this monster he has become. I don't know if we will last. I just don't know.

I take a sit in my chair at my desk. Sitting my bag on the floor and putting my phone on my desk. Just looking at all the paper work on my desk made my head hurt. I couldn't play around today, I had way too much work to get done. Shit. I don't even know where to start. "Okay. Let's start." I whisper to myself as I let out a loud sigh. Halfway into my work, my iPhone begins to vibrate on my desk. "Ugh. Who could it possibly be." I glance at the phone to see that Kendrick was calling me. A smile immediately spread across my face.

"Hello?" I say happily into the phone. "Well someone is in a good mood." He chuckles. "What you up to baby girl?".. "Umm nothing much. At work." "Oh are you busy? If your busy I can just talk to later." I look at all the paper work on my desk that I have to complete. "Besides the large amount of paper work on my desk, that I have to complete before the day is over, then no I'm not busy." We both laugh. "You are such a smart ass.".. "So I've been told." I smirked as if he could see my face right now. "Maybe I take you out on your lunch break?".. "I can't I have a lot of work to complete." "Ard well I'll bring you lunch to your office. If your boss is okay with that.".. "Nigga I am the boss. I own this building." He laughed. "Okay boss lady. I'll see you later." "Okay." I hang up the phone with a big smile on my face.

Kendrick always puts a smile on my face, every single time we talk or are together. It may be a little spark between us but we are bestfriends and I am a married women. I don't even think that Kendrick feels that way about me. So let me throw all of those thoughts and feelings out of the window. Because it will never happen between Kendrick and I. Even if it did happen, I doubt that it would work out. All it would do is ruin our friendship.

So much work to do. If I was going to make it through this day I would need some coffee. I didn't have enough time this morning to go to Starbucks and get my favorite. Good thing I have an assistant who could go and get me my coffee. I page my assistant. "Angela!" I wait for her response. "Yes Boss." "Could you go get me a coffee. I really need one right now." "Sure. You want the usual." "Yes. Please and thank you." "No problem."

"Here is your coffee Boss." Angela said as she handed me my coffee. I take the coffee from her and begin to sip on it. "Thank you so much Angela. I really needed this." "Your welcome Boss." She walks out of my office and closes the door behind herself. Now it's time for me to get back to work. I began to type up the rest of the paper work. I also make a few business phone calls. It's take a lot to run your own taxing firm.


There was a faint knock at the door. "Yes come in!" I say without looking up to see who entered. "Hey Boss." I knew exactly who voice that was, Jimmy. "Yes Jimmy." Jimmy comes in here every other week pleading for a promotion. He hasn't even been here for a full year yet and he's asking for a promotion. After looking at his work ethnic, he isn't much of a hard worker. He only wants the promotion so he can get a raise. In my eyes, he doesn't deserve a raise or a promotion.

"Um. I just wanted to talk to you about something." I took a deep breath. "About what?" He hesitated to speak. "A promotion." "Jimmy what did I already tell you." He looked away. "I know what you said but I think I deserve one." I rolled my eyes. "Listen here. I told you many times before you are not getting a promotion. You haven't even been here for a year and are asking for a promotion. You don't deserve one, your work ethnic is not at a good place for me to give you a promotion. I mean if you show me over a coarse of several months that you really deserve a promotion then I will give it to you. But until then you are not getting one. End of discussion.".. "But boss I-" I cut him off. "I just said that this discussion was over so why are you still trying to continue it. You are dismissed out of my office. Get back to work." Jimmy sighed and walked out of my office.

I rub my trembles and there is another knock at the door. "Yes come in!" I say in an aggravated tone. I didn't bother to look up when I heard the door open. "What do you want?" I hiss at whoever just entered my office. "Well damn. You just gone treat a nigga like that. I just will take my lunch else where." I look up and see Kendrick with a take out bag in his hand. I sigh. "Sorry. I didn't mean to get loud with you, I'm just a little stressed out." He take a seat in a chair on the other side of my desk. "Its fine. Want to tell me about it?" He asked as he took his seat. "Not really. It's just work stuff. Running your own business is a lot of work." "Yeah I feel you." "Whatever you don't even own a business." He laughs which causes me to laugh too. Kendrick pulls out the food and puts it on my desk.

"What's for lunch?" I ask him. "Chinese. I felt like eating Chinese so you better feel like eating it too." I chuckled. "How you gone tell me how to feel nigga?" I grab on one the containers and began to dig in. The food was so good. For the first few minutes as we were eating in silence. You know they say if that when you give a black person some food then they will be quiet. Well that's exactly what's happening right now. Kendrick spoke up. "You know I had a dream that I was a male stripper." I stopped eating and started laughing. "You gotta be kidding me! You are lying." I say in between laughs. "I'm serious and my name was Bootylicious the chocolate thunder." "OMG!"

At this pont I was dying of laughter and I looked up at him and he had a straight face. "So you saying I can't be a stripper?" "You are really a trip Kendrick." He chuckled. " Ever since an understudy man I've always been a trip. Mama tell me that she love me but she know her son a trip. Baby open up your ears, you ain't heard it like this. Sounwave drop the beat, I lock the flow down. Now all the way to the moon we bout to go now.

I got enough of the mojo to go around.

So pack your bags and tell him you going out of town. Cause I'm a trip."

I clap a little with a smile on my face. "Okay K.dot I see you." He pops his collar. "You know me" I smile at his silly ness and take a sip of my soda. "But speaking of a trip. Want to go to Atlanta with me. Its only for three days." "Kendrick I have a business to run and I don't think Benjamin would like that." Kendrick took a deep breath. "Benjamin is on a trip with his assistant and you don't like that. But he still did it anyway so this can a way of you getting back at him for what he did to you. We gone go to Atlanta and just have fun. Nothing outrageous, just some good old fun"

He had a point. "Who am I going to get to run this place?" "Don't ask me, I don't know." I decide to page Angela. "Angela could you come in here please?" "Sure here I come." Within minutes Angela was in my office with the biggest smile on her face. She was staring at Kendrick like she saw a ghost. She most have been a fan. I chuckled at the thought. "I just wanted to ask you would you cover for me for a few days. I have to go out of town and I know that I can trust you to run this business correctly while I'm gone." "Oh god. Yes I'll do it. This is the best opportunity ever. I won't let you down. Thank you so much boss." I smile at her. "Your welcome. I will email you the details." "Alright." She says as leaves my office and I turn to Kendrick. "Atlanta here we come."

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