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it was the next morning and tyler woke up to arms around his waist. he turned around slowly to be met with a sleeping joshua snoring lightly. he giggled because although his snores were quiet they sounded hilarious to him.

he blushed when josh's snoring stopped and his eyes opened. josh's eyebrows quirked and he gave tyler a charming smile.

"um good morning.", josh mumbled with his groggy morning voice.

tyler tried not to whimper. josh just sounded so hot in his 15 year old mind.

"mornin, joshua."

josh let go of tyler to the small boy's dismay which made him pout. he covered it up before he thought josh saw but josh in fact did see his cute step brother pout. it made his heart melt.

"i should brush my teeth then get dressed. after our moms are awake we can help with the unpacking and stuff.", josh said stretching.

tyler nodded and stood from the bed. he didn't change his clothes last night so he didn't sleep very comfortably but he still got some sleep.

"yeah i'll get ready too! thank ya for letting me sleep with you by the way.", tyler smiled before leaving josh be.

josh told himself he would call debby so he could remind himself that he's straight.


tyler finished his morning skin care routine and walked back to his new bed room to pick out what to wear. he knew he'd be moving a lot of boxes and decorating his room today so he wanted to be comfy. jeans were out of the question but he didn't mind wearing denim.

so he picked out some high wasted shorts that way he wouldn't be too hot and his thighs could breathe. (yes it's late november but it still got hot)

then he went to one of the bags with a bunch of his crop tops in them and picked out a red one that said enjoy coke.

he wanted to feel pretty so after he put on his plain white sneakers he found some gold hoops and his favorite red lipstick and got to work.

tyler felt as if something was missing. he looked around the room that wasn't even half way done with being packed full of his belongings and noticed that he had a white ribbon. instead of tying it in his hair he thought it would look cute around his ankle so that's what he did.

" 'm so pretty.", tyler smiled to himself.

"holy shit, ty.", josh was in awe.

"language! if you're goin to swear please don't do it in my room! how long were you standing there anyways?", tyler asked.

"not long at all. just wanted to let you know that our moms made breakfast. and then we're going to help you guys unpack.", josh smiled.

"oh okay.", tyler hummed.

he turned off the light in his room and closed the door. he went downstairs along side josh so they could eat breakfast.

when they made it to the table laura and kelly were kissing.

"gross.", josh mumbled.

"it's not gross. they're in love.", tyler rolled his eyes at josh.

"yeah joshua. you're in love too.", laura laughed at her son.

josh's eyes widened and he glanced at tyler's face. he could tell he was trying to hide his shock but it wasn't working.

"what? josh ya got a girl? or boy?", kelly asked.

"uh... a girlfriend.", josh said not being able to look at tyler. because deep down josh knew that tyler was prettier than debby and that's not what he should be thinking.

"what's her name?", kelly asked.

"her name is debby and she is such a sweetheart! she bakes the best cookies and i think she's amazing for joshua.", laura answered for josh.

tyler rolled his eyes once again and stood from the table.

"breakfast looks amazing but i don't think im very hungry right now. i'll just put my plate on the counter for later and start unpacking.", tyler said.

before kelly could ask what was wrong tyler was off to put his plate in the kitchen and then he was outside to put more of his stuff in his room.

"im going to help ty. thanks for breakfast.", josh said.

he too was gone.


it was later in the day and everyone had finished unpacking. tyler's room was painted a mustard yellow and he had his room decorated nicely and everything just fit him.

he was watching a movie when josh walked in his open door. tyler looked up and paused the movie.

"yes?", he asked.

"we have to listen to music together. it's our thing now.", josh said.

tyler wasn't happy about the fact that joshua had a girlfriend. especially when he heard she baked really good cookies. tyler was like the queen of cookies. he had been ignoring josh all day after he heard the news but he realized he would start to think something is up.

tyler was just too nice of a person to stay mad at someone. and this wasn't even josh's fault so tyler had no reason to be mad. so he patted the spot next to him and motioned for josh to come on over.

"okay so it's my turn. this song is called come as you are by nirvana.", josh said.

the song played and tyler enjoyed it. he swayed to the beat.

"it's nice i like it a lot, joshie.", he smiled.

josh's heart sped up when tyler called him "joshie".

"k my turn. this is called lolita by lana del rey.", tyler grinned.

as the song played josh could tell why tyler loved it. and yet again it was another mature song for such a sweet little boy.

"i really want a vinyl of hers for my birthday.", tyler said.

"when is your-"

" 's this coming friday.", tyler said with the largest grin.

he knew he was so cute he could make josh buy him anything.

"i'll keep that in mind ty."

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