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a/n: wait to start song until u see josh start it later on LOL

josh led tyler into the big chemistry classroom. the teacher was yet to be present for some reason but tyler didn't think too much of it as he admired the lab stations. there were 4 lab tables on the left and 4 on the right with the tables the students would sit at during class time in the middle. there were rows of tables but only two people could sit together.

tyler followed closely behind josh to a table all the way in the back at the right. tyler hoped that he'd still be able to see the board but was kind of thankful that he wouldn't be the center of attention for everyone to stare at.

"so i usually sit with brendon but i'm sure he'd be happy to sit next to dallon so you can sit next to me.", josh said happily sitting down.

tyler nodded along to his words taking off his backpack after sitting down in the red chair. some people stared at tyler but the class wasn't anywhere near full yet so he wasn't necessarily a distraction. most people still had their headphones in and weren't even aware that they had a new student.

"where are your friends joshie?", tyler whispered. he wasn't confident enough to talk in a regular voice fearing that someone would hear and make fun of him. he was surprised that no one laughed at his backpack by now.

"they should be here any minute ty.", josh said distracted by his phone. tyler caught a glimpse of who he was texting and of course it had to be debby.

tyler resisted the urge to frown. what could he do about her? absolutely nothing and he knew that. so he smiled his mood lifting because he was beyond excited to meet new people. nice people. people who would accept him for who he is.

"hey dickhead, who's this cutie?", a boy with raven hair and brown eyes asked. tyler didn't even see him come in. his eyes widened in wonder.

"joshua whats a dic-"

"nothing ty. brendon please use your manners. this is my step brother, his name is tyler. tyler this is one of my best friends, brendon.", josh said with slightly red cheeks.

"wait you don't know what a dick is?", brendon asked trying to stifle his laughter. josh rolled his eyes and tyler shook his head in confusion.

"is it a food or something? i haven't tried it before but if the both of you seem fond of it then maybe i'd like it too.", tyler said with the biggest brightest smile.

brendon's mouth was wide open in shock and josh face palmed realizing just how innocent tyler was. his friends would definitely be bad influences but at least they weren't mean like debby.

"hey guys. oh hi.. who are you?", a very tall attractive boy asked. the boys hadn't seemed to notice him walk up to them until he spoke.

"hi 'm tyler. i'm josh's stepbrother. are you one of his other friends? do you like dick too?", tyler asked showing his crooked but perfect smile.

dallon's eyes widened as he furrowed his eyebrows. he turned to look at his two friends in question. brendon looked like he was about to burst out laughing and joshua just shrugged.

"um ty dick isn't a food-"

"i mean-", brendon began

"SHUT UP BRENDON. ty dick is another word for a boy's penis." josh said lowly.

tyler's cheeks suddenly became the canvas for a cherry blush. he looked down in shame and embarrassment. he was lucky that the two boys didn't question his choice in attire but now he's totally made himself look like a clown.

tyler decides to mutter an "oh" and check his phone to see if his mom texted him back about debby yet.

best mommy💞- what! do you want me to speak to laura about debby's behavior? she told me debby was the absolute sweetest ): i'm sorry that she's treating you badly.

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