Chapter 5

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Percy/Jared's POV

5 years later

For the past 5 years, Nico and I have been training with the campers, and we trained with our godly powers in secret.

The campers are pretty dumb since they haven't even figured out who we are. Either that or Nico and I are pretty good actors. Unfortunately we don't get paid for acting. Come to think of it, we don't get paid at all!

Nico and I are the best swordsmen in camp right now since I taught him how to fight and all. Anyways, we are in the arena, training and giving our crowd a show.

'We love you Jared and Mason!' A random "fan girl" yelled from the stands. And here I thought only famous people got fan girls.

Nico slashed at my feet trying to sweep them from under me. Unfortunately for him, I'm too good to fall like that. I jumped up and kicked him in the chest while in the air. I landed on my feet, sword at the ready.

'Come on Mason, you don't wanna let your fans down do you?' I taunted.

Nico sent me a playful glare. 'Oh shut up or I will ruin your face so you won't have any fans at all' Nico retorted.

I scuff. 'Like that's going to happen' I replied smiling as I brought down my blade.

Nico brought his blade up and blocked my strike. I quickly brought up my knee and brought it to Nico's stomach. He hunched over, clutching his stomach as I smacked his sword away from him.

'Give up yet bro' I asked bringing my sword tip to his neck.

'Yes I yield' He said glaring at me.

'You yield....' I said waiting for him to continue.

Nico rolled his eyes. 'I yield to your awesomeness' He said through gritted teeth.

I smiled. 'That's better' I said sheathing my sword.

The crowd erupted in cheer, all clapping and even some wolf whistles. Nico and I stood beside each other and bowed to the crowd, grins on both our faces.

Mind you, 75% of the crowd were Aphrodite girls, but we did attract a few Ares, Athena, Hermes and Demeter girls too. I sigh, we are so popular, makes me almost want to reveal myself and be like 'Yeah, didn't see that one coming did ya?!' But I won't be doing that, it would be too easy.

Nico and I made our way to the beach because it's way too damn hot to just stand in the sun fighting all day.

We took off our shirts and sandals. 'Dude let's race to the water, last one in has to dye their hair pink!' I said looking at Nico.

He gulped. 'Your on!' He said taking off.

'Cheater!' I yelled running after him.

'You never said any rules!' He yelled back.

Huh, no rules... Well that's interesting.

I quickly summoned my power over water and shot it at Nico. Then I turned the water on Nico to ice, turning him to a frozen solid Nico.

I ran past him and jumped in the water. Only once I was completely wet did I unfreeze Nico.

'You are such a cheater!' He yelled as he jumped in the water.

I rolled my eyes. 'You did say there weren't any rules' I said shrugging.

He face palmed himself. 'Damn it'

I laughed. 'So, hot pink or neon pink?' I asked failing to keep my laughter contained.

He glared at me. 'Neon' He answered.

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