Chapter 7

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Percy's/Jared's POV

For the next couple of days, Nico and I have been training, beating up Raven, and pulling pranks on camp. In other words, it was back to normal.

For some strange reason, no monsters have attacked yet. I mean, seriously, where are they? On vacation or something?

My dumb question was soon answered, in the form of a prophesy to be exact. I sigh, I bet my life that I somehow made my way to another damn prophesy. It seems I can't get a damn break.

Rachael walked towards me, then started speaking the next Great Prophesy.

I suck at making prophecies so if anyone is interested in writing a prophecy for me, send me some ideas.

When Rachael almost fell to the ground, I quickly rushed to catch her. I probably should have let her fall since she just pretty much mentioned me multiple times in the damn Prophesy.

I run to the Big House, with Rachael still in my arms.

'Chiron!' I scream loudly as I near the Big House.

At my scream, Chiron gallops out of the house.

'Jared, what happened?' He asked when he saw Rachael in my arms.

'Uh, she said a prophesy and kinda fainted or something' I said handing Rachael over to him. He nodded and took Rachael inside the Bog House, placing her in a bed.

'What did the Prophesy say?' Chiron asked as he turned to me.

I replied, repeating the Prophesy.

Chiron nodded. 'Ok, go to the meeting room, I will go fetch the other Head Campers for an emergency meeting' Chiron said galloping out of the Big House.

I walked to the meeting room and sat down on a chair by the table.

Man, what am I going to do? Nico and I are going to have to tell everyone who we are or we are screwed. Or more specifically, the Gods will be screwed.

For a minute there, I actually liked the thought that Zeus would be taken down a few notches. But then again, it said Gods, so that includes all the Gods I like also. Man, this sucks!

Just then I was snapped out of my thoughts as the Cabin Leaders and senior campers arrived. Nico is also here since me and him are Hades' Cabin Leaders.

'Ok everyone, you are all probably wondering why we are here' Chiron started.

Everyone nodded, looking to Chiron to continue.

'We are here because another Great Prophecy has been issued and it clearly states the seven are involved' Chiron continued, pausing to let his words sink in.

After a minute, all Chaos broke out. Campers started shouting suggestions as to what the prophesy meant. I just sat their with an amused look in my face. Nico had the same amused look I had. Sometimes, things just never change.

After several moments, Chiron has had enough and stomps his hooves on the ground demanding silence.

'Thank you. Now Malcolm, what do you think of this prophesy?' Chiron asked turning to Malcolm, the son of Athena who replaced Annabeth as cabin leader.

Malcolm looked up thoughtful. 'I'm not sure Chiron. Annabeth was one of the seven and she's dead. Percy was one of the seven and he is M.I.A' Malcolm started.

I cleared my throat. 'What if we look for Percy? If we find him, maybe he will join us in the quest' I said nervously.

Everybody looked at me strangely. Even Nico was looking at me with a funny look. 'What? I can be smart sometimes!' I defended myself.

Some campers chuckled while the Aphrodite cabin leader winked at me. I blinked several times then just shrugged it off. Can't believe these girls never give up! If only they were like this when it comes to training. They are more worried about breaking a nail than getting their heads chopped off. I once made a comment about that and the only response I got from the Aphrodite Campers was 'Then I will die sexy' I nearly fell to the ground at that statement. I mean seriously, I'd rather live to look sexy in the future than die sexy in a battlefield.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Nico elbowed me in the ribs.

'Ouch dude what the Hades!' I yelled rubbing my ribs.

'Dude you spaced off!' Nico said rolling his eyes at my pain.

'As I was saying, does anyone have any clue as to where Percy has gone?' Chiron asked.

We all shook our heads. 'He has completely disappeared, there have been zero sightings of him anywhere' Clarisse said with a sad expression on her face.

All the campers dropped their heads in shame. 'Did I miss something?' I asked, doing a pretty good job of pretending I don't know what's going on.

'You weren't here at the time, but before you got here we all, kind of betrayed our greatest hero. His name was Percy Jackson. He is a son of Poseidon' Malcolm stated, looking at the ground in shame.

I put up a thoughtful look on my face. 'Hmm, Percy Jackson. That name sounds familiar. Did he have sea green eyes?' I asked.

Man, Hermes would be proud of my lying skills!

Instantly all the campers looked up, hope shining in their eyes. 'Yes he does have sea green eyes! Have you seen him?' Clarisse asked.

I nodded my head. 'Yeah, he was the guy that told me and my brother that camp HalfBlood was a safe place for demigods' I said looking at Nico so he can confirm my story.

'Oh yeah, that's why that name sounded familiar!' Nico said, going along with my lie.

'Did he say anything else? Like maybe where he was going or where he lives?' Malcolm asked eagerly.

'He did but he made me swear on the River Styx not to reveal the location by any means' I said, an apologetic look on my face.

All the campers looked down, their hope crushed. That is, everyone but Malcolm who was proving he was a son of Athena.

'So you can't tell us, but maybe you can go and get him! You could inform him of the prophecy and ask him to aid us!' Malcolm suggested.

'That's a great idea, only problem is that the gods will most likely kill prissy, I mean Percy the second they spot him!' Clarisse countered, the mood dropping significantly in the room.

I was about to say something when Nico spoke up first. 'What if we go to Olympus and convince them that Percy is innocent?' Nico suggested.

All the campers started nodding their heads in agreement. 'It will be difficult to change the minds of the gods, but it's not impossible' Malcolm stated with a calculating look in his eyes.

'Well what are we waiting for? Let's go to Olympus!' I said in a loud voice.


And there's another chapter for you guys! Hope you all enjoyed it.

I now wish to let everyone know the results of the Percy shipping.

Artemis- 7 votes for Artemis!

Clarisse- 3 votes for Clarisse!

Lone Percy- 2 for lone Percy.

Phoebe- And finally only 1 vote for Phoebe!

So the winner is obviously ArtemisxPercy!

I will try to update again in the next couple of days but it's hard now that I'm actually busy :( But I will do my best!

Thank you everyone for reading my story. Hope you all enjoyed it!

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