Back To Earth For Me!

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Now, most people would tell me that I should be able to finish my training in just a year with the amount of power that I possess. Well let's just say that's the biggest load of BS I've ever heard. It actually took me 421,234 Chaos years to complete my training. Back on earth it was actually 10 years and some change.

Still, it took way too long if you ask me. Now here I am entering my father's throne room so that I can finally return home.

"Father, can I go home now?" I ask, desperate to go back.

Father smiles before answering. "Yes you may return but I need to tell you something" Father said.

"The Olympians are currently at war with the Giants, Titans and Gaia herself. So be careful and kick their ass for me" Father finished with a smirk.

I gasped. "They are at war and you didn't tell me?!" I ask in disbelief.

Father nodded. "Yea, you needed to finish your training. Don't worry though, I protected your friends when it was needed" Father quickly said, making me sigh in relief.

"Ok thanks dad. Do I take my friends with me too?" I ask.

Now you may be wondering, what friends do I have over here in the Void? Well dad thought it would be good for me to have someone to talk to besides him so he brought some of my old friends back to life and brought them here to me.

At first I only brought back four people that I really wanted to talk to. Those four people being Luke Castellan, Bianca D'Angelo, Silena and Zoë Nightshade. Not long after that, like 5 minutes to be exact, I felt really bad for taking Silena away from Beckondorf so I had to beg my dad to bring him back too. And believe me, you have absolutely no frickin idea how much begging I had to do!

Short Flashback!

"Hey dad can you bring Charles Beckondorf back to life please?!?" I ask/begged my dad.

My dad looked at me with a serious look in his eyes before he finally replied. "No" and walked away.

At first I thought I must have misheard what he said. Then I finally noticed he walked away from me after like 5 minutes of me just standing there. Then I smiled thinking.

When an adult says no, it just means to try again later! When they say Hades No! It just means I'm gonna get what I want very soon. I laughed as u ran after my dad.

5 minutes later...

"Please dad!" I begged on one of the many hallways in my father's palace.

"No" He said sternly, without stopping.

1 hour later...

"Please please please please please PLEASE!!!" I begged, almost on my knees.

My father finally looked at me with an amused look in his eyes. For a moment there I thought I finally got to him. Then he replied with the worst word known to man.

"No, now quit bothering me son or I will make you read a dictionary until you can tell me EVERY word that's written in it along with their definitions!" He threatened.

I was left with a mouth hanging wide open. That's like the worst threat I've ever gotten in my entire life! I instinctively shuddered and ran away as fast as possible.

10 minutes later...

"Please dad please! I will not stop until you say yes!" I threatened cheerily.

My father glared at me. "Hades No!" He said clearly annoyed by me.

I smirked. I'm so close now I can almost taste the word yes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2014 ⏰

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