New God!

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Percy's POV

I woke up feeling quite energized. For once in my life, I didn't have to yell at so done for waking me up! Oh I hope I dreamed everything about Annabeth cheating on me. But deep down I know it did happen.

I sigh as I sit up. I look around and find that I'm in my room in Atlantis. And I'm not alone in my room. My father, Poseidon is sitting down next to me. As soon as I moved he began to stir and woke up.

'Percy! Oh thank goodness you're alright!' He yelled as he pulled me into a bear hug.

I hugged him back, happy he still loves me.

'Thanks dad for not leaving me alone.' I said as I pulled apart.

'Son I could never do that. You are my favorite son and nothing will ever change that!' He stated leaving no room to argue back.

I smiled. 'Thanks. You're probably wondering what happened to me' I said.

He simply nodded looking at me intently.

I sigh. 'I was betrayed dad. By my so called friends. The boy I beat up was the one that took everything away from me. The last straw was when Annabeth cheated on me with him! I don't know what came over me. I felt a rage in me I never knew existed. A power that craved for his destruction. That craved for revenge. I couldn't stop it dad' I said tears streaming down my face.

'Oh son, I'm so sorry. I didn't know. If I did I would have killed the mortal then and there!' He said angry someone would hurt me.

'That's not all that happened' I said softly.

'What else happened?' Father questions.

I look up and meet his gaze. 'She broke me father. She broke me in a way no other being could. I no longer have a fatal flaw because it was broken' I said crying in his chest again.

'Oh son, it will be alright. I'm still here. The fates came in earlier before you passed out. Do you remember what happened then?' He asks.

I shake my head no.

'You were so badly broken in a way no mortal could ever endure. It was so painful that your mortal side, for lack of a better word, burned out. Making you a God. As you were transforming into a god and getting your godly form, the Fates appeared and gave you your Domains.' Father said.

'I'm a god?' I asked in disbelieve.

Father nods his head. 'Yes and that's not all. You are the strongest God in all existence now! The Fates said you were destined to lead a new age. An age they called, The Age of Harmony. Son, allow me the first to bow to you' Father said as he got down on one knee.

'The Fates have made it clear that you are to be the new king of the Gods' Father said. 'And I agree wholeheartedly. We need a new king that will lead us through these hard times and Zeus is not that guy anymore' Father continued.

I looked at him in shock. The God of the Seas is bowing to me!? What has this world come to??

'Father, please don't bow to me.' I said in disbelief.

Father stood up and smiled at me. 'I'm proud of you my son' He said.

I was about to reply when Hermes flashed in.

'Hello Hermes. How are you my friend?' I asked.

He looked a bit tired. As if he aged a few years. His eyes were sad and he looked more serious than I've ever seen him.

'What's wrong?' I asked curiously.

'Poseidon, Percy, you two must stay here hidden. Zeus has called for war against Percy. We received a visit from the Fates. They said that a son of The Sea would become ruler of the world. That he would bring forth a new age and all the gods would be replaced' Hermes said softly.

'WHAT!?!? How dare Zeus defy the Fates by attempting to kill my son!' Poseidon screamed, anger clear on his voice.

'Zeus has called a meeting in the throne room. All are to be present, even you Poseidon. I'm sorry' He said as he flashed to Olympus.

I sigh. 'You should go dad. I will go and visit my friends that have remained loyal to me' I said.

Father sighs, and gives me a nod before flashing to Olympus.

Poseidon's POV

I appeared in the throne room of Olympus after everyone else was already seated.

I sat on my throne as Zeus began the meeting.

'I have called each of you here for a very important matter. As you all know, the fates have declared that we would be dethroned. They said a son of Poseidon would become king. Poseidon only has one son' He started.

I rose at that. 'You have no right to challenge the Fates! If it's Percy's time to rule then who are we to refuse?' I declared.

'I will not see us dethroned by a mortal! We are the Gods of Olympus! Rulers if this world and no one will change that!' Zeus thundered.

'Why exactly are we here again?' Apollo asks sounding bored.

'We are here to take a vote. All in favor of killing Percy Jackson and staying rulers of this world raise your hand!' Zeus said.

Zeus, Hera, Ares, Athena and Mr.D raised their hands.

'And those against killing Percy raise your hands' Zeus said.
My hand was instantly up.

Me, Artemis, Apollo, Hermes, Hades, Aphrodite, and Persephone raised our hands.

'Since I'm the king I can overrule a vote decision. Percy dies!' Zeus declared.

'Then it means war! My son will not be killed so long as I live!' I declared before flashing out. Everyone was shocked by my statement. Nobody expected me to love my son so much.

'Artemis, gather your Hunters and hunt down Perseus Jackson now!' Zeus ordered.

Artemis glared at her father. 'I will not kill the most decent man in all existence father' She spat and flashed out.

Zeus screamed in rage.

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