Percy Jackson's Revenge

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Percy's Pov

I felt pain. So much pain. I am battling Gaia now. I hacked and slashed while ducking and dodging her attacks. My arm was getting sore, my muscles becoming strain.

'You cannot win Percy. Just give up already' Gaia said taunting me.

'Never!' I reply harshly.

With a grunt of effort, I renew my attack with much more ferocity. I will never give up on my friends. Never!

I slashed at Gaia's open stomach and was surprised she didn't dodge it. I didn't hesitate to take advantage. I drove my sword through her stomach, pulled my sword out and proceeded to decapitate her.

'Percy, You will be betrayed by the Gods you care so much about. There's a reason why non can do what you can. Why you're the most powerful demigod to ever live' Gaia said as golden ichor flowed from her wound.

I stare at her confused.

'What?' I ask thoroughly confused.

She smiles. 'You will find out soon Percy' She says as I behead her.

Her body turns to sand as she dies.

I hear footsteps behind me and turn to see the Olympians and my friends running over to me.

'Son! Thank goodness you're alright!' Poseidon, my father screams as he bear hugs me.

I smile at him. 'Thanks dad' I said happily hugging him with just as much strength.

'Very well done Perseus' Zeus boomed as he padded me on the back.

I turn to my friends and find them shocked.

'Damn you beat Gaia all by yourself Percy! I don't think any of us could have accomplished such a feat' Jason said running over to me.

I shrug. 'It wasn't as easy as you seem to think. If the battle lasted another second I wouldn't have won. I was barely hanging in there' I said sheepishly.

'Percy, for once take note of your accomplishment! You were amazing out there!' Annabeth says hugging me tightly.

'Ok I will. For you my Wise Girl' I said hugging her back.

'AWWW true love!!' Aphrodite shrieked causing everyone to laugh and me and Annabeth to blush.

~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~

Pain raced through my body. I arched my back as I screamed in pain. I felt like my blood was boiling and someone was pouring water from the Styx into my body.

You might be wondering why I'm in so much pain. Well to answer that question....

***Flashback from not so long ago***

I had just had enough of that stuck up son of Zeus. Ever since he came to camp three months ago, he has been taking everything away from me. Little by little I was loosing everything I ever cared about. All my friends, my titles, my honor. Nobody believes me when I tell them that I didn't steal their stuff.

I lost the loyalty of all my friends. Well...most of them. Thalia, Nico, Jason, Annabeth, Clarisse and the Stolls were the only ones that actually believed me. Though Jason is in camp Jupiter and Nico is in the underworld helping his father put down a rebellion and Thalia was still in the hunt so I barely saw them these days. So in truth I only had Clarisse, Annabeth and the Stolls.

I ran to the beach to clear my head and calm down when I heard giggling. Me being a sea weed brain, decided to find out what that was. I stalked forward careful not to reveal my location. When I got close enough I listened to their conversation.

'So when are you breaking up with that loser?' The guy who can only be Raven. The dreaded son of Zeus who has taken everything away from me.

Rage flared up in me but I suppressed it and peeked out of the tree I was hiding behind.

'I don't know, maybe this week. I just don't want to hurt the poor guy. Although he is a sea weed brain. I'm sure he wouldn't understand what I'd tell him' The girl said.

I gasped when I saw that it was Annabeth. My Annabeth!
How could she!? Rage flared through me unlike any before when I saw them kiss. Then it was a full on make out session!

I snapped and rushed at Raven. I pulled him from Annabeth and started pounding his face in with my fists. Punch after punch. He tried to protect himself but there was nothing he could do to stop me. He crossed the line. He killed me in a way no other has ever done before.

I let out a roar of rage as I beat him again and again. My eyes were probably red reflecting on my rage. There was no mercy written on my face. Non whatsoever.

Annabeth tried to pull me from him but she was no where near strong enough to pull me off him. So she called Poseidon.

I didn't notice father come up from behind me and pull me into a hug.

'Son what happened?!' My father asks shocked.

I let out a cry of pain as I turned to my father, hugging him back. I tried to reply but nothing came out.

So I cried, and cried and cried. I sobbed in my father's chest for what seemed like an eternity. We had gathered an audience and they were shocked that I would snap like that.

My father being the overprotective guy he is, glared at everyone and flashed us to Atlantis. Once I was in Atlantis I became more relaxed until I stopped crying altogether.

****End of Flashback****

'Son, everything will be alright. What happened?' He asks as he sits on a chair in one of his rooms.

I look up at him, meeting his eyes. He seems shocked by something but I ignore it.

'I'm..' I didn't get a chance to finish because pain erupted throughout my body. A pain unlike any I've felt before. I was on my knees instantly.

I screamed in pain as I felt as if I was growing. I almost passed out when I hear my dad gasp in shock.

Then out of nowhere the pain intensified. That's when I blacked out. But not before the fates showed up. The three of them looked at father.

'Behold! Percy Jackson, God of Tides, Currents, Master of all Weapons, Creation and destruction, Of heroes, of loyalty, Of all Elements and Vengeance!' All three fates declared all at once.

'Your Animal is the Drakons! And Symbol of power is this Sword, Spear and Shield which you can't see because you are knocked out!' The fates said in unison.

If I wasn't about to pass out I would have face palmed at the last sentence. I mean seriously!


Hope you all enjoyed this preview at this new story I'm writing. Plz let me know if I should continue this because I don't want to write a book nobody wants to read!

If you can just comment below I what you think, I would really appreciate it!

Thanks everyone!

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