Those Who Draw the Circle

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"This is General Eastern USA, contacting General Eastern England, please freaking respond right this instant or I'm sending Francine after you," Amelia's voice demanded quickly through Alice's com number.

Alice cringed at her excessive energy and tiredly pressed her com, "General Eastern USA, don't use other general's real names," she rolled her eyes, exhausted, "What are you calling about? I am extremely busy, a lot of Hetalians have been injured in the bombings and-"

"AMERICA HAD SENT FOR HELP, YA HEAR ME?!" Amelia cut in desperately.

Her older sister didn't say a word. Then after a few seconds of thought process, she whispered, "You mean...the personification; America?"

"Yeah! He and the other's have called us for help! We're now able to kick butt!" Amelia cheered, "Though, they're gonna have a meeting in your area, the capital. So he wanted to know if your army could protect the area. The soldiers from the terrorists that are on ground level will be armed, though and we don't have weaponry, because, heck, we're not the military."

"...They need protection around London, hm?" Alice's eyes glinted with excitement, "Am I to assume that we're allowed, by your context, kick butt, as in, we can fight?"

"Heck yeah!" Amelia punched at the air, "We just gotta defend them! But," her voice subsided, "we're not gonna...kill anyone, are we?"

"What? Oh, no, poppet, we're just going to knock them out," Alice opened her laptop and started shooting emails to her area's lieutenants, "I'll contact the other areas, we'll take hostages."

"That'll be a lot of hostages," Amelia muses, "If you guys are able to nick some leaders, I'll make sure to notify America and you can send them over to them. Have the police or the yard or whatever take care of the others."

"It sounds like a plan," Alice agreed, the two hanging up.


A bomb. She jumped up from her chair and ran to the nearest window. Near the outskirts of London, a bomb had been dropped, in the location which Amelia had earlier described where the meeting, the bunker, was.

Emails shoot through her laptop, everyone excited and had been waiting for this moment. To fight for the fandom they were stuck in. For the fandom, they belonged and took pride in. They were gonna beat the terrorists up.

And at Amelia's suggestion, since they were similar to them, the terrorists were called the 2p Hetalians.


Present Time...

"You now have the right to unhinge in the name of the world," America's voice choked out angrily.

Alice smiled a long-awaited smile. They were finally gonna fight. All that pent-up rage of the countries being bombed was a common, uncontrollable problem throughout the entire Hetalian fandom, "Bring it on."

With a flash of a shark-like smile, Alice signaled the Hetalians around the area, who gave the same smile back. With what they had, pulled-out faucet pipes, both modern and retro, woks, ladles, bats, hockey sticks, skillets, katanas, whips, and some even had some spears and holy swords. Most had white flags that seem to do as much damage as the pipes, considering they both had metal poles.

With that, the Hetalians were unleashed on the lesser terrorists. Apparently, they weren't expecting everyone in that area to be Hetalian, heck, they probably don't know what Hetalians are. All they had to worry about is that humans just randomly decided to attack them and brought out items they had never noticed on their person. It seemed like everyone with a hockey stick just appeared outta thin area behind them. 

"What is going on down there?!" the leader screamed in his lackeys' ears, through the coms.

"We don't-!" he was immediately silenced by being pelted with small, burnt...pastries? It wasn't long before he was bruised and knocked out. Out appears Alice, with a basket of freshly burnt scones and a handmade scone machine gun that she had around 150 Hetalians equipped with. She sauntered up to the 2p Hetalian and saw that he was this small group of terrorists' commander. Looking up, she saw that the majority of the of the terrorists had been rounded up and captured. Many were so hyped and other's were exhausted, but everyone was smiling and feeling proud.


The action above the bunker went silent. First, they heard bombs and combat boots of the terrorists, then they heard metal pipes, laughter and war cries of 'FOR PASTA!!!'. Then nothing. Silence. Suddenly, they heard a static-y voice came from America's ear. His com.

"You might want to stay down in the bunker while the military clean things up here," a female British voice panted, exhaustedly, but laughingly.

"How many casualties?" America asked simply.

"None, all had been evacuated and the majority had been one of us, so they assisted. None of mine had been killed," her voice was laced with pride.

"So I will assume, that no one escaped and everyone's been taken hostage?" America started to grin.

"Why, of course," she smirked. They heard a muffled yipe from some man, "I've got you a leader. Not the figurehead, but one of his upper lackeys."

"Sweet," America's identical smirk sends shivers down the nation's spines, "thank you for your service, General Eastern England."

"Wha-?" most of the room's jaws were hanging open. Well, the ones that can drop their jaws.

America shut off his com and his eyes sweep around the room, many gazes demanding for an explanation, "you guys wanna know what happened."

"YES," China demands.

"Well, I found this little notebook from this girl named...well, she's called General Eastern USA. They're from a large...really large...organization that identify themselves as 'Hetalians'."

"What are Hetalians?" Germany questions warily.

America smiled confidently, his radiant confidence has returned after such an agonizing time, "They just draw the circle."

And heck yeah, they did.

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