I'll Be There, I Promise

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Nobody says anything. They all just inclined forward, wanting to listen to what Lithuania and perhaps Russia, has to say.

Russia motioned him to go on, "U-Um, yes. I was talking to my eastern general, and she was...talking to me about Amelia, America's eastern general," he saw America's body jolt a little, "The conversation drew up that Amelia had been one of the first readers to the comics that Himeyura made. The comics are what started the Hetalians. They're a fandom. Himeyura has no idea what they're doing or what they've become. He doesn't even know if they even exist. Both my eastern general and General Western Russia have told us that they haven't heard from Himeyura or his comics about a year ago."

"All the Hetalians called the enemy 2p Hetalians for fun," Russia starts, "I had asked Anya, or as Lithuania has called her, General Western Russia, what the '2p' part meant. Apparently, it means 'Second player'. Since both 'Hetalians' are fighting for the same reason but in different ways, they're basically like two halves of the same person or mind."

"Ours are fighting for the freedom of what the people are doing now and embracing it," America murmured, "and the 2ps are fighting for a utopia where no one can judge, unable to embrace what other people do."

Russia nods, "Da, both sides see discrimination, both handle it differently."

"But the part we want to focus on is that there are two groups of Hetalians. If ours has a founder, theirs probably does, too," Lithuania presses on.

Russia's childish expression turns serious, "Even worse, the 2p Hetalians are probably wanting to stomp the other ones out. Like they knew that Hetalians were going to help us."

America jumped out of his seat, stumbling, "B-But they didn't seem like that...when we attacked them in London!" he sunk down to the table desperately trying to get back up, "Are you saying they've been trying to get their hands on the Hetalians from the beginning?!"

"America! Calm yourself! You're going to hurt yourself!" England, who had little to no injuries, rushes over and sits America back into his chair, who was trying to choke back his tears.

Lithuania waved down his hands nervously, "N-No, no, they were surprised, yeah, they were. Like they said, no one really knew they existed. Let alone a bunch of...um, 2p Hetalians."

America struggled to calm himself in his seat. It would seem that Amelia being missing is still stabbing him.

Suddenly, they all heard a meek knock at the door. Everyone jolted up, staring at the door warily.

A familiar Russian voice peeped from the other side, "U-Um, I have something to tell you all. It's kind of important."

"I thought you said that this room is soundproof, aru!" China whisper-yelled to Germany.

The German rolled his eyes, "It's a one-way soundproof. We can hear what's happening outside but they can't hear what's happening in here," Italy smiled mutely next to his German friend.

Lithuania stood up and cautiously stalked up the door, pulling out the small taser that Tori had supplied him with when they first met. Cracking the door open a peak, he spied out the door and was met with Anya nervously holding a small device to her person.

"Anya?" Lithuania opened the door all the way. When he does this, he could now see her entire body seemed a little mangled and injured. Russia was out of his seat at the sight of her.

"Sunflower! What's happening up there?" Russia put his hands on her shoulder, "I didn't feel any bombings...we didn't hear anything."

"That's...that's the point," Anya mustered a joking smile, "for you not to feel any pain. For all of you to feel safe," she handed them the small box, which appeared to be a recorder, "Things are going on, per usual, they're just a tad stronger than normal. Nothing we can't handle, da?" she flashed them a reassuring grin, saluting as she dashes back up to the surface.

Russia regretfully reached a hand out in the direction where she ran away. Lithuania could tell that he was scared for her as he tried not to crush the tiny recorder in his hands. Lithuania motioned him to sit back down as he secured the door once again.

They started the only recording on the device...

"H-Hello? Can anyone hear me? Dang, this thing is near broken, ah, I hope this stupid thing works," the voice was static-y and was mostly overshadowed by white noise. After a few squealing connecting receptors, the white noise subsided enough for them to understand the voice more clearly, "Ya guys can hear me, yeah?"

America's face lit up. Everyone saw it. And with that everyone can conclude that this voice must be General Eastern USA. Amelia was able to contact them.

"Okay, okay, I don't have much time and I can't talk all that well," she murmured raspily, "but I need ya guys to get this to America and tell him I'm tryna get outta here. Look, they're after Himeyura Hidekaz, I think. The leader of this place is his 2p and he's not wantin' to share the world with his counterpart. He's aimin' to clean sweep us and make a world where Fascist is an angel," Japan and Germany catch Italy flinch, "Anyway, I think I can hold the bruh out a little. Maybe I can get 'im to stop altogether. From what I can hear, we're somewhere with a lotta people. And I mean a lot. Heavily populated, somewhere where people are speakin' Asian. I can't pinpoint what language it is, it's so gosh dang hazy," another cough, her voice is slurring, "But the leader's name sounds like...I dunno, I can't remember, but for some reason...it reminds me of...stars."

The static picks up again and they hear Amelia hiss, "Hoshizora, his name is Hoshizora," she muttered desperately, "Frick, my legs," they hear the wrenching of metal and a large mass collapsing, "Haha, I'll be there, America, I promise," and with that the white noise takes over, filling America's head.

Despite all the static, he heard exactly what she said. Something is wrong with her legs, America looked like he was having a seizure, SOMETHING HAPPENED TO HER LEGS-!!!

"AMERICA!" England tried to pull his body back up again, "What happened? Was there a bomb? Should I contact your generals? What's going on SAY SOMETHING!"

Tell him I'm on my way...

Everyone crowded around America, trying to get through his head. Russia stood there, looking back and forth between the recorder and America. He was so lost at what to do, he felt just as worthless as America felt about then and there.

Frick, my legs.

He repeated the new information that she had dutifully supplied them. It was her duty as a Hetalian. Just like Anya said, For you not to feel any pain. For all of you to feel safe. America remembered the fear flash across Russia's face. He didn't want to lose Anya like America easily had.

I'll be there, America, I promise.

It was America's turn to screech in unbearable agony.

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