Live and Let Love - Part 1

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[Long - Split Into Two Parts]

"...and that leaves the entire world to wonder what happened? What was the cause of the war and how did it end? Government officials and world leaders are unable to give full explanation with what happened in the past months. Are they telling the truth? Many like to say that they aren't, but apparently, there's plenty of evidence in their favor. They were quick to add to the military and medical support with other nations patching with each others' battle wounds. And the biggest shocker!"

"No casualties! For both sides of the war!"

"Reports of the opposers who had initially been attacking us had all become sane and brought back to their senses at exactly 12:35 PM, worldwide at all of the Centers. Were they all brainwashed? Was this a mind-controlled operation? If so, who's the mastermind? Where is he or she now? Will they be a threat in the future? What was the real purpose of this war? We'll have some of our world leaders discuss more of this with us right after this."

America watches the TV in his paper-riddled office go to the commercial break. He sighs and turns the TV off. His boss had been very privy about getting information about what the heck went down these past months. America stood firm to his ground and said that the nations took care of everything and was a situation only they were able to take care of. All the other nations told their bosses pretty much the same thing. Now all the world leaders are convinced that something supernatural happened. Did these seemingly immortal personifications have demons or something looking for them? Were they going to bring danger to the people?

Well, America said not to worry because it's gone now and nobody died, did they?

This was the part he was most proud of. The heck, a war with zero deaths! He pumped his fist in the air making a small 'yes!' celebratory cheer. What were the odds? What. Were. The. Odds??? They had bombs, they were practical terrorists. And what did it take? Some stupid fandom with a ten-year pent-up excitement to freaking-HOW, THOUGH?!

America was chuckled as his thoughts went back to the TV program. He clicks it on for a few seconds to hear the reporter say...

"...And that's the question people are still asking even today. All of us stand here alive from what felt like a global 9/11. Christmastime, dear citizens of America. Relish it and be happy. This is the Third Anniversary of the Hetalian War. Why it's called the 'Hetalian War'? We will never know."

"That's it for tonight's program. We'll see-"


"Happy Third Anniversary, Hetalians," America whispered with the nostalgia of a precious war that happened three years ago...


"Never in my life have I see so many people come to the world meeting, aru," China mused as his company, Hetalian General Eastern China, or Mei, chuckled next to him.

"You said that last year, aru," she smiled jokingly. She was a shy but humorous general, after all.

"I feel like I'll be saying it for years to come," the old nation cracked a grin of his own.

"Well, keep saying it even after this generation of us is gone," a sage, American-accented voice tittered with a clunky and metallic step.

The two Chinese turned around to see a tall American blond with glasses, a white leather jacket with swirling green designs, her nation's flag embroidered on her back and right arm, like every other Hetalian general in the room. But unlike the other generals, she wore white shorts that showed off her shiny, metallic leg prosthetics. There was a paint job done on them with a waterproof varnish that gave it its glossy look. The design was the same one on her Hetalian uniform that the nations gifted to them so long ago. Sometimes people would call her Android Amelia because of this.

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