Dunno, But Somewhere

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Amelia didn't come to the office the next day.

"What do you mean, she's not there?!" England exploded, despite himself. Alice's head turned to her country's sudden outburst.

America on the other side nodded worriedly, "She didn't call in! She didn't email me or message me and her com's offline...and...and...none of the other Hetalians know where she is!"

"England, England, England," Alice was out of her seat and placed her hand on his shoulder, "What's going on? Who's not there?"

His phone hung up and he slowly turned toward Alice, a bit scared and sorry for what he is about to announce, "Your sister, Amelia, is missing and no one knows where she is."


Earlier That Day...

"Wha...? Oh, shoot! I overslept!" Amelia bolted out of her bed, fumbling to get her documents situated back into her strap bag, dashing out of the door with a spill-free bottle of iced coffee. She practically dove into the train and prayed that no bombings were being planned while she was out.

"Of all the times to oversleep," Amelia moaned, "it had to be when bombings are happening around the globe."

"I know, right?" a man said next to her. She had never seen him before, but he seemed jittery, nervous, even.

Is he worried about the bombs? Amelia's brows knit together in worry and feeling more guilty in oversleeping, Heck, I can't blame him. Those 2p Hetalians are driving us up the freaking wall.

"They'll be over soon," Amelia promised, "One day, this'll all be over like it never even freaking happened..."

"When will that happen?" he conversed with her as they got off the train, walking next to her.

"When," she pondered on this, "When whoever these terrorists are learning to coexist and embrace more than what they are and embrace what others are. Yes, they want to be seen for who they are, too. But this way they're doing it is wrong. Innocent people are getting hurt every day because of them!" she gritted her teeth in anger.

The man doesn't say anything to this. In fact, he looked...sorry for Amelia. She gets confused at his pitying expression. She also doesn't realize that he had led her deep into an alleyway, far away from the White House.

"Whoops, I side-tracked," Amelia couldn't read the terrible situation she was in, "I need to get going-MMPH!"

The man darted around her and quickly slammed a chloroform-soaked cloth, a vice grip around her body. It wasn't long before her body was a limp doll in his arms. His jitters turned into shaking, the shaking uncoiling into suppressed fits of sinister laughter.

"Wrong answer~" he purred into her ear, "Miss Eastern USA."


Later That Day...

"Mr. America?!" General Central USA hurried over to his country, who had doubled over, "Actually, don't say anything. I'll notify the Hetalians on Eastern's side-"

"Where's Amelia...?" America coughed again for the tenth time.

General Central USA just shook his head, "General Eastern USA...she's a strong general. She's new, yes, but she's very determined and headstrong. It'll take death to get her to say anything."

He realized this was the wrong thing to say when America had started crying.


About a Few Days Later...

"They have General Central USA in place of General Eastern USA," murmured England's central general, "It'll be odd...not hearing her ring up every hour to tell us what's going on. To tell you what's going on."

"...It will," Alice whispered solemnly, as she loaded up a fresh batch of rock-hard, burnt scones, slinging her machine gun up in her grasp, "Let's move out. The area's been evacuated and a new round of faces are ready to capture."

"Why don't we ever kill them?" General Central England asked.

"Because Hetalians don't kill," Alice said firmly, "we only kill what can come back. What we're killing is whatever stupid idea-or stupid form of whatever idea that just came out wrong," she marched forward, out of the building, sliding the gun in her jacket, surveying the premises, seeing all of the Hetalians filling the streets. Citizens stayed in their homes, double locked away, some taking occasional peaks out their windows in excited anticipation.

"Wise words, General," the other general smiled, speaking his last words to her as he leaves to his post. They'll get to chat sometime after the battle if they choose. Now, they don't know when they'll attack, but they know it's soon. Today.

How do they know?

Alice is not worried. Well, she is a little, but it's only rational. It would appear they're not the only ones with communication. Just some signals are just a little busted up and can only connect to one.

"And remember," the hoarse but worried voice filled her ears, driving her on, "be careful out there."

"Of course," Alice pressed a dear touch to her precious connection com. She was here in England. Somewhere, but she didn't know where.

But somewhere.

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