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~ Josh's POV ~

I get in my car and speed to the airport. I go to where you buy your tickets and I run to the section. "next flight to Miami has arrived please bored flight number 108" I get up and get on the flight. Here I come my love

~ Jasmine's POV ~

"ok guys we are here and I hope you enjoyed your flight on flight 301" the lady on the speaker said making me wakeup. I grab my bag as I go into Miami airport to pick up my suitcase. once I grab my suitcase I go home. Since I told them (the tow people) to bring my car to Miami they did as told. I get into my car and drive back to memories.

once I get to my destination I get out and stand outside staring at it. My old house.... it looks still so homey but I miss my family. I walk in and unlock the door. Once I open it everything is just how it was....clean and huge.

I dropped my suitcases as I walk around. I look at my little sister's room and I immediately break down into tears. The last thing I said to her was I hate you.

* flashback *

Claire barged into my room with her phone and started jumping on my bed. "Claire get out!! you know I hate when you do that!!!!!" "but I just-" "no Claire now!!!" "your such a mean big sister all I wanted to do was spend time with you before I leave on that trip with dad but your a monster thats why nobody likes you" "oh nobody likes me everybody thinks your annoying you weren't even planned I was!!! everybody hates you I hate you!!" I say as I slammed the door on her face. I know I know it was harsh but she's 13 she needs to act her age."

* flashback over *

I stopped crying as I look up at the ceiling. "I'm sorry Claire I never ever meant to say those things. I love you so much more than anything. I wish you were here right now.... I really need you" a tear slipped out of my eyes just thinking about her.

I walk out of her room and I go into my big brothers room. I start walking around as a few drops of tears come down from my eyes and a little smile appears on my face as I think about our last conversation

* flashback *

I walk into Luke's room and I jump on his bed. "ayyee Jasmine haha" "luukkeee you know your my favorite brother and I love you to death right?" "haha I'm your only brother and what do you want I am one year older sooo it makes me smarter" "well I want to talk to you.....some advice" "ok sure lovebug what's up" "ok well its about Justin" "oooh your crush" "shut up Luke haha and Yea I really like him but where just bestfriends" "I want estimate that I mean I seen the way he looks at you and I should know thats the way I look at my girlfriend....but just know if he's not willing to give you what you deserve which is to be treated like a princess then he's not worth it" I smile at Luke as I put my head on his chest. "thanks Luke you always know what to say....I love you" "I love you too Jas....always even when I die"

* flashback over *

I miss my big brother so much. I was closer to him than I was with anybody....he was my true bestfriend. Finally it was the time to go into the room I was dreading to go parents room. I walk in and the smell of my dads cologne fills the air. I smile at all the memories me and my parents had. They were like 2 teenagers haha. Always happy always fun they could have been my brother and sister. I breakdown as I fall to my knees crying. I miss them sooo much. After about 20 min. I get up and take off my shirt. I put on one of my dad's shirts and my moms shorts.

I lay down on their bed wiping my tears and just think of the horrible day that I got the call that my family had died. What's weird is they said my brothers body was never found till this day. Anyways I close my eyes and start to fall asleep "goodnight mom goodnight dad" I say looking at the last picture my mom and dad took on the dresser. A tear slips from my eyes as I fall into a deep sleep.

~ ???? POV ~

I grab my phone as I call my friend. "hello" "hey bro you want to go on a trip with me?" "Yea sure where?" "to Miami" "Yea sure but what's the occasion" "no occasion just to have a good time" "ok when?" "tomorrow at 12 pm" "ok then" "alright bye bro" "bye Luke"

A/n. hey guys I just wanted to say first off I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope it taught you guys something. I hope that it taught you guys to always be happy with what you your family. I know that they get on your nerves sometimes but you only have one. sure you have brothers and sister and you can get more but there's only one of their personality that makes them who they are. You only have one mom and dad sure you can have a step mom or dad but its only one that had you. All I'm trying to say is please guys don't take your family for granted because you never know if its the last time you will ever see them just enjoy every moment because at the end even tho they aggravate you your going to wish that they were still there with you......

anyways I looovvee you guys and I'm sorry about that paragraph I just wanted you guys to not take what you guys have for granted xoxo~L

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