Chapter 10: Dance to the Music

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After an afternoon of work and cleaning, Rae and I started working on dinner. We grilled hot dogs in the kiln, and spent the time joking and laughing. It's was hard to talk to her like normal knowing what she was dealing with.

Once we were done cooking we sat with everyone and ate another meal filled with talking. Drake announced that he believed that they could start expanding out of the gym whenever they needed to, but need to search for more survivors and kill zombies if we are going to do so.

It surprised me that Drake was the one who suggested we take in more people, but he had definitely seen the advantage of having more people with us. We would be able to expand and have a true compound in and around the school.

After dinner and discussion about the expansion, Carmen surprised us by pulling out her old saxophone which he retrieved from the band room earlier and started playing some songs. Eventually people started getting up and dancing. Lydia and Kiera did a sort of swing thing. Will awkwardly asked Rae to dance and they shuffled around a little too.

Drake and I were the only two left sitting, as Jason had already left for his tent. After a while, Drake came over and sat next to me. We talked for a while, and then suddenly. "Do you want to dance?" He put his head down and awkwardly slid his hand out for me to take.

I smiled nervously and took his hand. I had thought he had started liking Lydia all along, but it turned out I was wrong. We slowly stood up and started to dance to the music. I felt Drake slide his arms around my waist, and I shifted my hands onto his shoulders.

We shuffled to the music with the others and Drake started talking. "You're amazing you know." He commented, "I don't know how you have been able to do all of this so far, but just remember that I'm always behind you."

I felt myself turn red but tried to shrug off my embarrassment. "Thank you. I don't where I would be without you..." I trailed off and looked down at my feet.

"Don't thank me too much." He said and we danced until Carmen got out of breath and decided she was done.

Drake and I broke apart and he gave me one last look. "I think you're beautiful, by the way. Just wanted to say that." My mind raced and heat enveloped my entire form as Drake sheepishly left the gym.

Carmen bumped me on the shoulder and smiled at me. "So... Drake, huh?"

I shrugged my shoulders and went to sit down. I needed to think, desperately. I couldn't do the whole relationship thing. I had to run this place, and if it came down to it I couldn't do anything to put him first anyways. I needed to tell him...

I decided to put it out of my mind for the time being, and went to see how Rae and Will were doing.They had danced the entire time and from the little I saw of them they looked like they were having fun.

I found Rae right away sitting against the wall smiling, but Will was nowhere to be seen. I remembered how Jason was giving Will advice and crept over to Jason's tent to listen in again. I felt a little guilty, but Rae was my best friend and I was getting closer and closer to Will in the apocalypse, so I care for how it goes for them.

"Nice job, prince charming." I heard Jason say as he clapped Will on the back. "Told ya that she liked you."

"I don't know..." Will mumbed.

"You don't know!" Jason laughed, "This girl is completely into you, and you already danced together. Just ask her out and get it over with."

"That's not entirely it anymore. Rae is dying from a bone disease, she doesn't need to deal with me on top of that." Will said sadly, and for the first time I felt just how much this news had killed him.

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