Chapter Twenty: D&D (Dungeons and Drake)

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I woke up in the morning even more sore and groggy than the first time that I had woken up. Next to me Will was asking questions about what had happened. "Did we get back Jason and Evan?" I heard him ask as I sat up, and Rae shook her head sadly.

"We got Jason." I said hoarsely, "Evan's dead." Once again the information hit me like a truck, but I didn't let it get to me. I had so much to think about, and the sooner I could move on the better. That didn't make it easy.

"I'm so sorry." Will said looking at me sadly. "I wish I could have done something..." He looked downright depressed at the information. I shook my head.

"You did the best you could. We all did. And we got Jason back. That's something." I tried not to sound to crestfallen. Rae just smiled and gave him a hug. Things were going to be okay. Eventually. As long as we had time to bounce back from the last fight.

I got up and looked towards Jason and his tent. I still couldn't figure out the guy. Something had definitely happened while he was away, something that changed him. I remembered how strange he was acting. Burning his drugs, yelling about a theory, and then finally getting pissed when I tell him we could kill Erik.

There was too much I was missing- between the Black Cobra and DOME, if that even meant anything. I looked over at Will, and took his marker and tallied up the day for him. It was day ten of the apocalypse. It felt like so, so much longer.

I stared at each tally mark for a second, going through everything that had happened over the past days. "Evelyn, come on, breakfast is ready." Carmen came up and nudged me. I followed her back to the center and got my food.

This was the first meal that I was having with Lydia's chair empty. I stared at the empty seat as I ate, and the food only tasted bland and sickening. All I could think about was Erik. I was going to kill him if it were the last thing I did.

Seeing Lydia's empty seat decided my next course of action for me. I would recuperate for that day only, and then I would be setting out on my own to kill Erik and have some time to think through everything I had been thinking about since the apocalypse began.

When we were finished eating, I took the dishes and sat to clean them so I could flesh out my plan a little more. I would need food, water, my gun, blanket, and I would need to set out before any else was awake. I decided I would take the second watch the ensure I would be able to leave without saying anything to anyone. I felt guilty for leaving, but I would be back with Erik's head and that would bring up our broken morale.

"Want to come with me to get water?" Drake asked me, "That is- if you are up to it. I saw you fighting with Kiera yesterday." He shook his head slightly. We paused for a second, seemingly thinking about her and her sadist ways. I doubted that he realized quite as much as I did. How she got up from wounds she shouldn't have gotten up from. How her eyes were a hazy green that I couldn't quite shake from my head.

I suddenly remembered that he had asked me a question. "Sorry... yeah sure. Get ready the water and I will go put these dishes away." Drake nodded his agreement and turned to gather the jugs.

I moved the trays over to the kiln and cooking area, then I went over to where Drake was waiting for me. "Ready to go he asked?" Toting the jugs over his shoulder. He was giving me an awkward smile and I felt I knew why he wanted me to come with.

"Yeah, let's go." I said, "Lead the way." Drake started walking out of the gym, and when he went past the storage room door he stopped.

"Wait, I forgot something." He disappeared into the storage room and came out with a second hockey stick and jugs, identical to the first one that I had designed on the first day. "I've been searching for jugs for a while, and finally got a second set. That's one of the projects I have been disappearing for."

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