Part 15 Ha now it's on purpose.

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My mouth was dry, my stomach was twisted into a knot, and I could hardly hear anything over the buzzing of gunfire, but I still ran. Will was by my side, readying his pistol. We were getting rid of Kiera one way or another, no matter what it took.

We burst into the gym, and knew that we were correct. Lydia was tied up, bloody on one of the mats, screaming through her taped mouth, while Kiera sat with an amused look in her eyes. "There you guys are! How'd you like my family? They were supposed to kill all of you, but this will do. I'll just have to do it myself."

Will and I froze in place. We knew she was the traitor, but the fact that was this cold scared us. We watched as she pulled off her sweatshirt to reveal a black armband and a gun that she had hidden. She twirled it around and pointed it at me.

"You shoot me and Will shoots you. There is no way out of this, Kiera, drop the gun and no one gets hurt." I said as calmly as I could but Kiera laughed.

"'No one gets hurt?' What's the fun in that?" Kiera lunged straight at me, knocking me over and making my gun fly out of my hand and skid across the floor. I heard gunshots as we fell down but not of them struck true.

Kiera turned her head to face Will. "Tut, tut." She said, jamming her gun under my chin. "I would drop my gun if I were you. Or I'll blow her brains straight out." Will didn't listen at first, but she said the second part of that fiercely and emphasized making him drop his gun and kick it across the room.

"Good." She laughed wickedly.

"What the hell happened to you?" I spat at her, gulping as she pushed the gun up further. "You were my friend. I trusted you."

Kiera shrugged. "I guess this is a valuable lesson. Don't trust so easily." Kiera then paused for a moment and smiled. "Y'know, this isn't about me. You are the one who is about to die. We should be talking about you. I hear my family took your boyfriend with them."

"They still left you behind." I retorted, gasping for air. "How do you even know they took Jason?" Kiera pulled out a walkie talkie from her pocket.

"I keep in touch." She said simply. Will started moving slowly towards his gun, but Kiera quick fired a shot towards him before jamming the gun back under my jaw. Will's dropped to the ground clutching his foot. "Don't move."

I looked around furiously for an opening or some way to escape but found nothing. The truth of the matter was Kiera had total control, and we had no way to turn the tides.

"So the Black Cobra, huh?" I said nodding slightly, "I can get behind that name." Stay calm, stay calm, stay calm... Kiera smiled.

"Yup. The family gang. I've always been partial to the name myself. You know what they say- great minds think alike. It's unfortunate you won't have a mind for much longer."

"Speaking of, what are you waiting for?" Will asked between tears. "You've been holding a gun to her head for the past ten minutes now. What are you going to do?"

Kiera shrugged. "I figured I would have some fun with you guys once everyone else shows up. Use Evelyn and walk right out your front door with a gun to her head. Pretty fun, right?"

I spit in Kiera's face, but she just smiled. "Getting a little fiesty aren't we, Evie..." I let my head fall limp. There was no fighting this. This was how I was going to die. Never see my brother again, never get revenge on these Black Cobra jerks...

Out of the corner of my eye I watched Lydia silently slip off the rope she had been tied up in. Her bloody form quietly crossed the floor with a knife, and with a quick movement, she tackled Kiera off of me and stuck a knife if her shoulder.

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