Chapter 13: Blackout

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When I woke up in the morning and was still in Jason's tent, I realized that I hadn't come out the previous night and what it would look like. I turned a crimson and looked up at Jason's mat to see that he wasn't there.

I looked around quickly before I realized, I put on watch last night, and he would still be guarding. I shook any other thought that had crossed my mind and slowly got up. My arm was aching more than usually, and I figured I must have slept on it.

Great, I thought to myself, More problems. I stretched out, avoiding ruining my arm too much more, and eventually crept out of Jason's tent, looking out for anyone who might try and interrogate me. What had I even been thinking? What had Jason been thinking?

Once I realized that everyone else was still asleep, I decided to see if anything had happened while Jason was on watch. I went out into the hallway, and what I found was not what I had expected or wanted to see.

Jason was on the ground completely out cold, as if he had been knocked out. On the wall behind him was a cobra spray painted in white over a black background. The sight gave me chills. The traitor was in league with the mysterious sniper.

I knelt by Jason and started shaking him awake to see what had happened. He didn't have any reaction until suddenly his eyes shot open and he launched himself up, breathing heavily. "What the hell happened to me?" He demanded.

"The traitor knocked you out and graffitied our wall." I said matter-of-factly. "You can't even handle what is most likely a little girl."

"Shut up." Jason grumbled rubbing his head. "Can't wait to see how people react to your sleepover. What a scandalous leader you are." Jason laughed as I glared at him.

"Yeah you want to tell me what you were thinking doing that?" I yelled at him, "You know how everyone is going to think it is?"

Jason shrugged and smiled, and I launched forward and slapped him before turning around to start breakfast. At least now my suspicions were confirmed. The traitor's goal was to scare us and take away our spirit. They also had some connection to that mysterious sniper...

It seemed like there were so many more questions this morning, so when Rae came up to me while I was cooking, I had hardly noticed her come up to the table. "So what you meant to say last night was that you rejected Drake because already have a thing going with Jason."

I felt the heat radiating off of my skin once again. "It's not like that! Jason had me stay there so the traitor didn't try and attack me..." I said, extremely flustered but Rae's grin only grew.

"Sure..." She said with a wink, "That's what it is." I shook my head and tried to focus on cooking. Then I remembered last night and what happened with Rae and Will.

"How about we move to real, factual matters. What happened with you and Will last night?" I asked without looking up at her. "He really does like y'know..."

"Yeah, I got that eventually." Rae said, blushing again, "So, we're good. Just don't bring it up again, okay?"

I nodded and Rae seemed relieved. Once breakfast was done she helped me wake everyone up and we ate in the center. I looked from face to face. One of these people knocked Jason out cold last night, and I had no idea who it could have been.

Another thing suddenly hit me- it was Friday. That meant it had already been a week since the zombie outbreak started. It felt like just yesterday that I was cooking breakfast at home for Evan and I.

Thinking of Evan made my heart dropped and I did my best to ignore the pain. Instead I focused on my meal. I could see Drake looking at me and frowning out of the corner of his eye. Once again I would have to explain myself to him and hope he believes me, but it really isn't looking good.

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