9 + 10

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What felt like only seconds after I put my head on my pillow, Carmen woke me from my slumber to take my watch. I said goodbye and goodnight to her, but she didn't realize the full meaning of it. She didn't realize that I would be gone by the time she woke up.

I realized then that I should probably leave a note for everyone, explaining that I was okay and what I was doing. I silently slipped out into the hall and one of the offices where I proceeded to write a note.

Dear friends, I will be leaving. I may be gone for a few days, and I am not to say where I am going. Drake and Carmen are in charge while I am away. I know this may seem spotty, but just know, when I return I would like to be toting Erik's head and some answers about the apocalypse. Wish me luck, but do not come after me. I will be okay. Sincerely, Evelyn.

I set the note in the very center of the gym, and began my watch. I would have to keep an eye on the time. Starting to get ready at 4:30, and being gone by 5:00. I wanted to be well out of the school by the time that the others had awoken. They would try and talk me out of what I was about to do. Call it reckless, call it stupid and suicidal. I wasn't taking that. I was going.

I sat at the bottom of the ramp, gun readily available and machete in hand. The time dragging itself outward in anticipation for the days ahead. My mind drifted back to the dream I had when I had blacked out.

I felt awkward the body I was in, stinging all over, bloody and cut. Hardly caring as a crossed a maze and wasteland of destroyed buildings. I was being forced forward through the wasteland with a pistol in hand. I went to the gym, but something was wrong.

I shivered. What if I leave and they all die when I'm gone? The thought quickly passed through my head but I shoved it away. I couldn't think like that. They can take care of themselves. I know they can.

After what felt like forever, 4:30 hit, and it was time for me to pack my bag. I took a day's worth of food and three bottles of water. If I needed more than that, I would scavenge. I wasn't taking what rightfully belonged to everyone.

To finish up my packing, I took a box of matches, my gun, one of the machetes, a change of clothes, and pieces of paper, written on it one thing. Kill Erik Kelsey at all costs. If I die, I want whoever finds me to get the message. Even if it makes no difference.

Once I was done packing, I pulled out my machete and set off up the ramp. I had no idea where I was going, all I knew was I needed to kill Erik. I clutched the walkie that sent my friends to their own despair last time.

I smiled, because this time I would be only one making the sacrifice. I didn't need to drag my friends down with me. I pulled the walkie up to my lips and pressed the button on it's side. "Erik. Let's settle this. Meet just me at the same place as last time. Bring just you." The reality of what I was about to do settled in and sickened me. Even if he doesn't accept, no doubt he will send in some soldiers to kill me.

I shook off the dread that started to envelope me and started walking down the street, away from my new home and towards what would probably be my death. I didn't look back- I couldn't. There was no way I would be able to leave I turned and looked at where my friends were, but there was no way I'd be happy with Erik still alive. I clenched my fist as I walked.

Eventually, I heard static sounds coming from my pocket and I pulled out the walkie. "Nice to hear from you again, Evelyn." Erik's smooth and cold voice sounded through the static. "I will be there, but not to fight. Just to talk. Come alone this time, eh?"

I hit the press-to-speak button. "I'll be there at nine, Erik." I said sternly and put the talkie back in my pocket. A muffled agreement came but then the static stopped. It was settled.

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