Chapter 16

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When I looked back into Laurens eyes they were solid red. I didnt have the air to scream and I didnt need it. Lauren blinked a few times and then she screamed. Her grip loosened and I took the advantage. Grabbing her wrist and snapping her around into the door.

All I heard was laughter. Then I was shoved off her porch. She was faster. Faster than the Lauren I knew. She was on top of me and punching me. Without thinking I slammed my fist into her gut and elbowed her in the jaw.

Lauren screamed and then there was a blade in her hands. I kicked her off me and slammed her into the ground. Holding her down with my knees and holding the knife in my hands. She looked me dead in the eye. With her red eyes.

And she laughed.

Her voice was cold. It wasnt Laurens. But I recongized it immediatly.

"You cant kill the one you love." She snickered. "Not the only one who has given you a reason to live and believe and hope."

"To hell with you, I cant kill Lauren."

"What do you mean?" Laurens eyes flickered and then they were back to their green. "I am Lauren. Dinah whats going on?" She whispered trying to squirm out but I knew better.

Camila laughed. It was her. Camila. I shouldnt have let her back into this world. She had power over me because I fell for her stupid tricks. Lauren was in danger but I couldnt do anything. Not with Camila inside Lauren. Shadow Posession is very delicate and the Shadow inside the mundane holds all the power.

"Dinah what are you doing?" She asked looking at the knife in my hand.

"Lauren shhhh..." I say softly.

"You- your going to kill me-" She says panicing.


But I cant finish. Lauren stops breathing. She gasps loudly. "Lauren! Lauren please! Breath! Dont die on me."

Suddenly she takes a breath and her mouth twists into a cruel snear. She laughs. "I knew you couldnt kill me." Camila.

"Camila! Why are you doing this? What did I ever do to you?"

Lauren spits in my face. "I hate you Dinah. You killed me. This is a life for a life."

"You will not take Laurens life." I growl.

"Your right." She lungs upward with tremendos power. Power only a Shadow could have. The strength greater than a human.

Her arms wrap around my throat and the knife falls from my hand. Shes on top of me within seconds. I struggle under her but Camila is smart. She uses Laurens body to her advantage. The sly strength I never knew Lauren possesed. The arm muscles she had.

"You know what the best part is?" Camila asked.

"Why ask when I-" I barely manage to choke out.

"Cant talk?" Camila laughs. Its Laurens laugh though. The laugh of a beautiful girl. "I can answer my own question. You can look me right in the eyes when the light dies." Camilas eyes vanish and its Laurens again. Her green emeralds look down at me.

She looks happy. She looks like the girl out on the boat. Her smile is perfect white. Her eyes gleam with pureity. So green. Her heart of gold still beats to the same time as mine. I feel the darkness coming back for me.

But the light hasnt finished me yet.

Air fills me lungs and i roll over when I find her body has been thrown from me. Camila stands at Normanis feet. The dark skinned girl stands looking down at her frowning. She rolls her eyes and dark purple magik is seeping from her palm.

Camila screams and it pierces the sky. Yet it sounds so much like Lauren. Its torture. I want to save her and comfor her. But I cant. No. Love is a weakness. I know it so well. And thats why I had to kill him. I had to kill Alexander. But in doing so I feel as heartless as him.

Maybe thats a price too high. Maybe he already did the damage. But I will prove it wrong. I feel her hand on my shoulder. Camila keeps screaming but I look into Normanis eyes. Hells Princess lives on. But not as the girl I imganied. She looks softer. Symapthetic. Broken.

"Just realise." Camilas voice rasps out. "I could kill Lauren so easily. I hold her over your head Dinah Jane. You will be her ultimate destruction."

Laurens eyes come back to glistening green. Her shade of green. "Dinah?" She whispers in her raspy voice. She looks so scared but the second I kove she freezes. Its her scream that rips through the night.

Normani holds me back as I try to reach her. "I have to help her!" I scream watching Lauren writher on the ground. Shes clutching her neck and crying. "Dinah! Dinah!"

"Snap out of it Dinah!" Normani says slapping me. "Camila is getting exactly what she wants. You in pain. We need to kill her."

"Kill Lauren? Over my dead body." I now fully face her. A seraph blade in my hands. An angel blade that defies the exact thing Normani is.

Normani laughs. "You think Lauren likes suffering? Thats what Camilas doing. Shes inside her and shes killing her. Camila will torture her. Make her go mad. Is that what you want?"

Her words shatter through me and I slowly put the blade back. "No." There are other ways. How are you at excorsism?"

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