Chapter 22

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When I wake up Camila is standing above me. Her messy brown hair pulled back by a bow. She wears pinapple jeans and a long sleeved crop top. With her deep brown eyes she looks almost concerned. I shake my head. Camila Cabello would never be concerned about me.

As I sit up I realise Im not at school anymore. Its the middle of the night. Zayn and Selena are there too. Both of them look extremely tired and weary. Bags under their eyes. When they see Im awake their faces light up.

"Oh Laur!" Selena says wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug. "Dont ever scare us like that again."

Camila rolls her eyes. "You two, out. Now."

Zayn stands in front of her. "Anything you have to say, you can say to us."

I open my mouth to say its alright then shut it because the idea of being alone with Camila Cabello is actual terrifying. Zayn looks at me in silent question and I nod. He takes a seat beside the window.

Looking around I realise its a bedroom. A huge circular window taking up almost one whole wall. A plain dresser and desk on the wall with the closet and exsit door. And then the bed is a big circle on the last wall. A small nightstand beside it. Selena sits beside me on the bed while Camila stays standing in front of us.

"Alright, Jauregui, that man? A shadow. One of the more powerful ones. We call them Ancients. I realise now that they are trying to find you. Dinah killed Hades little girl and the reason is you. We have to leave. Now."

"Woah woah woah." I say. "Leave?"

"Yes leave! Dinah is out there. Your being hunted. We have to move."

My memory begins to come around. "Was all that true? About Dinah not being my blood."

She nods. "Yeah. Alexander is a dick. Now lets go! Dont you want to find her?"

I bite my lip. "Im not sure. I think she went looking for Cassandra."


"To straighten things out. Or kill her. Either way, how do I know she wont go running again?" The words are painful to say. She ran away again. For once cant she make things easy and stay? I wanted to show her how much I love her. Maybe falling again will help.

"We dont know." Camila admits. "But isnt the risk worth it?"

"Not sure." I say slowly. "She broke my heart-"

"But you love her!" Camila protests.

"Why are you so persistent on this?" I snap. "You hate me and you hate her!"

Camila gritts her teeth and for a second I forget that Selena and Zayn are here. I forget that I seem like a lunatic and forget about everything except pain. I remember all the pain she caused me. Everything Dinah and I went through. Everything messed up about "our" family. It hurts. It hurts because for once, theres something in my life that Im going to fight for. Something that I could lose and Id never be the same again.

Rain poors down and it begins to drip into the room. The one spot where there is a tiny red plastic bucket. Judging by the darker part of the celing, it always does that. I watch the tiny rain drops and imagine Dinahs tears.

She was so young when Alexander began the torture. That much I knew. I could tell that he whipped her and cut her until she cried and screamed so much she lost her voice. I know how she doesnt feel pain. Because eventually she learned to stiffle the sobs and pain.

Cassandra mustve had me in private. We are a year apart in age, her older than me, yet Alexander must not have known. Then I remember why. Cassandra left Dinah for dead and took me. She feared her husband and left her daughter. Her first born, just to get me to safety.

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