Chapter 26

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When I wake up I see big brown eyes starring down at me. My head lays peacefully in Dinahs lap and shes combing her fingers through my hair. I can smell food and I realise Im hungry. I look into Dinans eyes and she notices. She helps me sit up. On the other side of the bed is a breakfast tray with eggs, bacon, and a stack of pancakes. Along with two glasses of orange juice.

"You made this?" I ask as she brings the tray to rest across our laps, handing me a fork and taking her own in the process.

She smiles. "Of corse. Something to celebrate finally being together. Now hurry up and eat I was beginning to think Jd have to wake you so it stayed warm."

I laugh. We eat in silence. A happy and assuring silence. It nice for once to just have her there. Her prescence is comforting and protective. She has her arm over my shoulder and looks out the window.

Once we finish I get up and grab the tray. She follows me with the glasses out to my kitchen. I see Selena is still passed out on the couch. Curled up peacefully in a ball. Dinah takes my hand and gives me a peck on the nose.

"What do you want to do today, angel?" She asks.

"Anything. As long as its with you."

"Well we can watch some movies? Take a day since this has not exactly been the happiest ride."

I smile wrapping my arms around her neck, standing on my tiptoes to give her a propper kiss. It might be early in the morning but shes obviously had a mint because there is blueberry in her breath. I end the kiss earlier than I wouldve liked, embaressed by my morning breath.

She rolls her eyes and cups my cheek, kissing me again. I sigh into it, completely happy and content. I rest my forehead against hers.

"You dont need to be ashamed of your breath." She says with a chuckle, her voice rough and raspy from sleep.

In return I give her a throaty laugh, kissing her once more then moving over to my movie cabinet. "Okay," I say crouching down. "We have a bunch of disney movies and we have the Internship, the Heat, Identy Theif, and a movie from Italy..." My voice drifts into confusion as I look at the weird DVD.

Dinah crouches beside me. "LION KING!!!!!" She screams grabbing the movie and parading around the room like a lunatic at a sacraficial fire.

I laugh hard, clutching my stomach. "Wow, who knew the dangerous deadly Dinah Jane, fiercest Endarkened, would have a soft spot for Lion King?"

"Are you kidding?" She asks whirling around. "Scar is my favorite character." She stalks toward me, her eyes darkening. Then theres a rush of wind and shes gone. I look around but I dont see her.

"Be prepared!!!" She sings loudly into my ear from behind me. I sequel and jump nearly five feet in the air.

Shes on her back laughing histarically. "Oh really? I think your the one who should be prepared..."

And then I launch myself at her. Tickling her sides until shes throwing me off. Her strength to do so incanny.

"No fair your so strong." I say pouting on the recliner.

"Yes but I can also do this-"

She scopes me up bridal style with the movie in her hand and takes the stairs two at a time, never missing a beat. She sets me down on the bed and plugs in the movie.

Instead of watching it though I find myself just starring at her. The way she bites her lip and it begins bleeding. She sucks the blood from it like a vampire. Her hair is braided down the side she throws her head casually to the side. Letting the brown strand fly away from her eyes. Shes so beautiful and I wonder how lucky I am to have her.

Once the movie finishes its already night time. I guess I mustve woken up in the afternoon. Dinah looks over at me and finds me starring at her.

"Did you even watch the movie?" She asks sighing.

"No. Why watch a movie when I can watch you?"

"Because Im so entertaining." She rolls her eyes but smiles at me. Kissing me softly.

I take her hand. "Play a game with me?"

"Anything for you."

I grab the whiskey I hid in the cabinets. She smiles. "Wow. Who knew you really were a bad girl?"

"The way the game works is that we take turns asking questions. Both of us have to answer them. Whoevers answer is worse has to take a drink."

She raises an eyebrow. "Okay sounds confusing..."

"Here I'll start. Happiest moment in your life."

Dinah thinks for a moment. "The waterfall. When you didnt know who I was. I watched your fear and emotions mix in your eyes. I saw all the concern and the hate but underneath all of it I saw that you liked me. I knew you could smell the smoke in the air. Thought I was a bad girl and yet you were convinced you were losing your mind. You are so human. So mundane. But that was the beauty of it. Mundanes have all these hopes and dreams and believe they can change and defy the universe. They are beautiful creatures."

Her story finishes and I stare at her for a few moments. Taking in all of it. "Your already too good at this game." I say rolling my eyes.

"Happiest moment in my life is right now. Sitting here with you having nothing wrong in the world. Im not as good with words as you but I know, that if people were rain, Id be a drizzel, and youd be a hurricane." I smile taking a big drink from the bottle.


Three hours later Im drunk beyond imagine and I cant think straight. Maybe its the alcohal maybe its the fact Dinah is straddling me on the floor. Her breathing uneven and shes kissing my neck. Her lips are so soft and Im in a pure moment of pleassure.

I think I can here faint music in the background. Also maybe Selena waking up and calling my name. But I honestly dont care. I run my fingers through her hair, loving the frizzy touch to it, and lead her back to me.

The kiss is hot and sloppy and raw of emotion. Her lips send searing waves of pleassure through me and I feel like Im not on Earth. I must be flying or in heaven. Nothing could feel this good.

Suddenly theres a loud gasp and Selena is standing in the doorway. "Woah Laur."

Dinah gets off me liesurly and throws her a frown. "Yes?"

"I just wanted to know what day it was." Selena says. "I was suposed to give my mom these flowers by August first."

With my tipsy vision it takes me probably ten minutes to locate my phone. Its four am but still August first.

"Its August first." I confirm.

Then Dinahs standing. "I- I have to go..."

"Wait Dinah-"

But she literally jumps out the window. Selena looks at me. "What the hell?"

"I- I dont know. She mustve remembered something. Forgotten something probably. Though how she is still so graceful and smart while this drunk-"

I dont finish my sentence though. It hits me hard and Im puking. Selena pulling my hair from my face before passing out cold on the bathroom floor.

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