Takeo Masaki x reader

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"Hurry it up, German!" you yell as you shot down more zombies than the others.
"I'm tryin- OW!" he yelped, holding his gloved hand. His other gloved hand holding some wire.
"Piece of shit" you mumble, making sure Dempsey, Nikolai, and Takeo are safe. Reloading your upgraded MP40.
"Stand back!" Takeo says, killing four zombies.
"I need Vodka!" Nikolai whined, hitting a zombies with a broken Vodka bottle.
"Just be quiet and shoot" Dempsey groans, kicking some zombies back. You rolled your eyes, focusing more on Takeo.
"Hey Tak! Behind you!" you yell over the explosions and gun fire. Takeo kills the zombies, sighing out.
"Alright, there, now hurry-"
"It's done!" Richtofen exclaims, putting his hands on his hips.
"Hmm? Oh yeah" you mumble, chuckling.


Teleporting to a Russian cosmodrome is nuts. More nuts is that Nikolai won't shut the fuck up.
"My head is hurting!" Nikolai complains.
"Zhen don't drink before teleporting, ja?" Richtofen fired.
"You know I need drink" Nikolai mumbles. Richtofen sighs and leads him to a mystery box, kicking away the teddy bear. Dempsey is looking for his ammo and gun. And Takeo is next to me. His scent powerful as ever.
"Hey, Tak" I say.
"Hello (Y/N)" he mumbles quietly but loud enough for me to hear. I smirk, coughing slightly.
"Smells like Vodka, blood, brains, hearts, and shit" I groan, shooing away a fly.
"Indeed" Takeo says, kicking some rocks away.
"Shy? Nervous? Um...Scared?" I question.
"All" he replies with a whisper. Raising a brow, I look at him confused.
"Really? And what is there to be nervous about? Scared about. And shy about?" I ask, stepping closer to him. He looks at me, his face still emotionless.
"We do not know want Doctor is going to do...but all in one, we must discover before it's to late" Takeo says, his voice lacing with fear. I put on a gentle face and wrap a arm around his shoulder, bringing him close to me.
"Well, don't you worry Tak. I'll protect you. No matter what. I promise until I die. Love ya" I say. He smiles.
"Love you" he says back, resting his head on my shoulder. Maybe I am mother goose...nah.

A/N- Yes yes I know, it's short and late but here it is! So don't die on me or I'll revive you and kill you for dying on me.

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