Zussman x Reader

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It was teasing and games, but it just proved how much they loved each other. (Y/N) would steal all Zussman's supplies, stifling her laughter as Pierson yelled at Zussman for "losing" his supplies. When Zussman learns this, he steals (Y/N)'s extra stash of food. It was back and forth and the others soon got used to the bickering of the two.

"ZUSSMAN!" Daniels and Aiello looked up from the card game they were playing, watching in fear as (Y/N) stormed over to their friend. Zussman smirked and crossed his arms over his chest, looking at (Y/N) expectedly. Once the young woman reached her best friend, she strangled him. Turner and Pierson simply shook their heads and continued to talk to each other.

"YOU TOOK IT!" (Y/N) screeched. Stiles looked up and quickly took pictures, chuckling as Zussman let out a loud scream.

"WAIT! can't breathe!...YOU TOOK MINE!" Zussman managed to say in between gasps. (Y/N) pulled away and sat on the ground, her glare sending shivers down everyone's spine. Knowing the two needed space, the rest of the platoon left the area to their "beds".

"Give it back, Robert" (Y/N) whispered, her hand out and waiting. Zussman rolled his eyes and took out a necklace from his breast pocket of his jacket. Sparing another glance, he tried not furrow his eyebrows together. The charm of the necklace looked similar to the iron cross that the Germans wore. It was their secret.

"Where's my ring?" Zussman asked, giving the necklace back to (Y/N). She smiled and took the only belonging she had with her, grabbing a necklace wirh a ring as a charm. Zussman rook it and qhickly put it on, sighing in relief.

"Hey...you haven't told me your little secret" (Y/N) said, scooting closer to Zussman. He sadly smiled and looked down at her before averting his eyes to his dirty boots.

"It belonged to my ma. She saved so much money and got it, even if it the cheapest ring at the jewelry store, it was the most meaningful and beautiful. But my father didn't like the ring, claiming it was fake and a waste of money. So ma never got the chance to wear it. When she did, dad left and never came home. But I was 16 and barely saw my ma wear it. I worked at a small repair shop and she worked at a nearby cafe. Before I left to join the military, she gave me it, said I was her hero and would always be. If I ever found a lucky gal, to give it to her" Zussman explained softly, a far away look on his young unblemished face. (Y/N) became memorized with every detail on Zussman's face, from his blue eyes to his soft looking lips. Were they soft as they looked?

Noticing she began to lean forward, (Y/N) quickly regained her posture and moved away from Zussman, who looked back at her.

"I uh...I think I know who to give it too. The ring..." Zussman spoke quietly. (Y/N) froze, her mind racing yet her heart felt like it stopped beating. Did Zussman have a girl back home? Of course he does, who wouldn't want to date him? Feeling like a huge chunk of heart was ripped out, she forced a smile.

"R-really? Who?" She croacked out, her throat tightening and her eyes tunf. God, she hated her hormones so much! Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry. You're a soldier for Uncle Sam's sake!

"You" Alrighy, let the tears out- wait...you? (Y/N) looked up, confused. Zussman smiled and removed the necklace, grabbing her cold hand and placed the valuable item on her palm.

"When this war is over, I'm going to take you on a real date" Zussman promised, leaning down and pecking (Y/N)'s lips. But she was still frozen to even think straight.

"Got word from the General, we got to move out! Let's go!" Pierson yelled. Zussman stood up, brushing off any dirt and leaves from his trousers.

"I'll grab our stuff" he said, quickly rushing off. (Y/N) let out a breath before smiling widely. Looking down at the necklace, it seemed as if her day brightened 100 times. Zussman likes her. They will go out on a date when this ends.

"Damn...I love him" (Y/N) whispered to herself. Remebering Pierson, she quickly put on the necklace and stood up, rushing off to help Zussman.

They're going to live, after all, they do have a date awaiting them.

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