Scarlett x Diego

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Diego couldn't help but stare and feel the heat travel south. The first he met Scarlett, it was like any other girls at home were ugly and not full of confidence. But Scarlett Rhodes is.

Her short, wavy red hair and mysterious blue eyes. Her cherry red plump lips and perfect body. Her personality is mysterious for a woman during this time period...or whatever time period they currently are in.

"It's too quiet, I don't have a good feeling" Bruno grumbled, his knuckles turning white as he gripped his Escargot. Scarlett turned around swiftly, an eyebrow raised and she listened.

"Bruno is right. I believe we are close...hopefully" she whispered the last part, but Diego heard her. Shaw sighed exasperating, stopping his steps.

"Can we just take a bloody break? If there's no undead things, then there's no danger!" Shaw complained. Scarlett raised a surprised brow, her mouth slightly agape. But she quickly regained her composer and sighed heavily.

"I guess we can...just this one night" Scarlett mumbled, but Bruno and Shaw went their separate ways, most likely finding a place to sleep. Diego gave Scarlett his attention, putting on a charming smile that makes the ladies flustered. But Scarlett gave him an annoyed glance and stalked off to find a sleeping place for her own.

"She's stubborn, but I'm much more stubborn then her" Diego thought, walking off to find his own resting grounds.

"I found some canned items, hopefully they taste good as mother's cabbage soup!" Shaw announced happily, earning disgusted looks from the three.

"Uh, thanks Uncle Shaw. Okay, let's divide these amoung ourselves" Scarlett says, forcing a small smile on her plump lips. They each got 4 cans, but the cadns did not have any tags or paper of what's in the metal cans.

"These...actually taste good" Bruno breaks the ever annoying silence. Diego nodded in agreement, the vegetables tasting better than anything hes ever eaten. Or maybe it's because the last real meal he had was on that damn ship, the Titanic.

"I'm going to go retire, just not hungry at this moment. I'll see you in the morning boys" Scarlett says softly, getting up and leaving. Diego felt concerned but Shaw embraced Bruno and him with one of his stories.

"Hey Scarlett, you doing alright?" Diego asked, watching as the youngest in the group looked up him, a surprised expression on her soft featured face.

"Uh, yeah, just peachy" she whispered, hugging herself as she leaned against the tomb.

"I don't think you are, Ms. Rhodes" Diego joked, sitting next to her. Her body stiffened but relaxed, laying her head on his shoulder. This action shocked the Mexican spy, but he embraced it. This might be the only time Scarlett shows hee true side before putting on that rigid look.

"I...I just can't think properly. I can't help but wonder, did I do something wrong when I was a little girl, for my father to always be away? It's stupid, I know" Scarlett mumbled, but Diego was listening. Was Scarlett really thinking she did something wrong?

"Love, your father left you behind with a deceased mother and no one to actually raise you. And here you are, risking your life just to search for your old man. And he contacted you, let you give him another chance. You did nothing wrong, Scarlett. If fact, you are so close to saving your father and the world. No woman I met cared about anything then being a good wife in household chores and bed" Diego explained softly, his voice laced with care and love. He wrapped his arms around the woman's waist. A dark blush spread across her face but she looked into Diego's eyes, slowly leaning in.

"Diego...I like you. A lot. I was just..afraid to admit it. I'm sorry for acting like a complete jerk" Scarlett apologized, but Diego couldn't care less. He closed the gap and captured her soft lips, his body feeling warm and fuzzy.

"I like you too. But an appropriate word can be love" Diego tease, watching as her eyes lit up.

"Shut it, Diego. Dont ruin the moment" Scarlett warns, running a hand through the handsome man's hair.

"Hmm, now why would I do that?" Diego ask innocently, amused as she rolled her eyes and pushed him back, straddling his waist. She then laid down, her head on Diego's chest. His heart was beating furiously against his chest, but Scarlett didn't seem to mind.

"Goodnight, Diego"

"Goodnight, Scarlett"

The two then entered a world of peaceful darkness.

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