5 |Inspirational|

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He wasn't easing the nervousness and pressure she felt. She felt like she was being mocked. So, she crossed her arms, turning away towards the office.

"Oi, where are you going?" Jungkook raised his eyebrow as chae was attempting to go away,
"Going to get a tattoo at a place where they won't underestimate my confidence in getting one."


Jungkook rolled his eyes, as he watched Chaeyoung walk towards the door of his office room.

"I was kidding. But I'll admit, I am a bit surprised that you are here. Tattoos don't seem to...fit...your personality."

Chaeyoung paused in her steps, turning around to face the guy. She scowled as she spoke, "Well clearly you are just judging a book by it's cover."

"You're calling yourself a book?"

"It's a metaphor you dumba-"

"I know. I'm not stupid."

"So...what type of tattoo are you looking for?" Jungkook walked to a shelf, located at the far right corner. Pulling out a large drawer, he pulled a thick ass book.

Chaeyoung almost smiled, since it reminded her of a scrap book.

Carrying the large album type book over, he placed it on the coffee table. "Have a seat. You can choose a design from here."

Chaeyoung sighed, a little skeptical of the situation. She really wasn't in the mood to be made fun of and ridiculed. She just wanted a tattoo, and live on with her life. Was that too much to ask.

Glancing at the mysterious person in front of her, she hesitated before taking a seat opposite of Jungkook.

Jungkook turned the book, so the designs faced correctly in front of Chaeyoung.

Her eyes widened almost immediately.

"You impressed?" Jungkook said in a slight cocky manner, proud of his work. They were his designs after all, his creations, his evidence of HARD WORK.

Chaeyoung would be lying if she said no. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at the sudden cocky vibe coming from Jungkook.

He was too proud wasn't he?

"The designs are...okay." Chaeyoung contained a smile to herself, not wanting to admit the truth.

"Whatever. I know you think they're pretty cool. Anyway, choose something. I even divided this book based on which tattoos are suitable for males and females. But in the end, it's up to you on what you want." He reached forward towards the large book, indicating the pink tab was for girls, and the blue tab was for boys.

So stereotypical.

Each 'page' containing for sketches of how the tattoo would look. Each design was so unique, yet classified in a certain manner.

For example, one page was dedicated to a flower type design, but each flower design looked so different.

The next page would be designed for cute cartoon characters, and so on.

Chaeyoung, looked through each page, absorbing every detail of each drawing.

She had no idea, Jungkook had this strong of a talent to draw.

It was incredible.

"Do you have any tattoos?" Chaeyoung asked out of the blue. The silence of the room was getting awkward, so might as well start a small conversation.



Chaeyoung looked up, jaw dropping to the ground.

"No one knows. Not even Jimin. Since he doesn't support tattoos soo..." Jungkook's voice trailed off, "so be honoured to be the first female to know my 'dirty little secret'."

Chaeyoung was a bit flattered. "Does anyone else know?" She was curious.

"My brother. He was the one who took me to a tattoo salon."

"Is that so?" Jungkook nodded his head. "I was always curious what it would be like to have a tattoo. My brother is pretty chill, so he didn't mind. Plus he has a few himself, and knows that our parents would've never approved. I don't think they still know, and it's been...3 years?" Jungkook tried to recall the exact time frame, but he forgot.

"Wow." Chaeyoung paused, "That takes guts, to go behind your parents back."

Jungkook simply shrugged his shoulders, "Meh. Rebellion is in my blood so I didn't have any regret.

Where was his tattoo located???
Chaeyoung wanted to ask that question but,

"Don't bother asking what tattoo I have and where it's located."

"Why?" FUCK.

"Cause only special people get to know."

Chaeyoung scoffed, letting a slight frown.

Was it that much of a big deal???

"SO...hurry, choose what you want."

Chaeyoung flipped through more pages, everything looking quite interesting, but nothing really screamed pick me! or grabbed her attention the most.

"All of these designs are really nice jungkook. Didn't know you were that great at drawing."

Jungkook let out a cute smile, making Chaeyoung's heart beat a little quicker.

WHat the hell!?

"Thanks. Actually, let me see what I have..." Jungkook leaned a little close, taking the book from Chaeyoung's grasp, he looked page after page, pondering at what would suit such a sweet girl.



"Ah! Would you be interested in getting an inspirational quote tattooed on yourself?"


"Yeah, these are statements which I have thought to help me motivate myself in various circumstances."

"Mhmmm." Chaeyoung pondered at the thought. Words wouldn't be so bad.

"Sure...what do you have?" Chaeyoung didn't even get to the quote section, so she was wondering what options Jungkook had.

"My personal favourite is, 'Loving yourself is a beautiful art.' "

Chaeyoung chuckled, "How poetic." She spoke sarcastically.

"Shut up." Jungkook's face flushed a slight pink tone, "Fuck it, maybe you should stick to some flowery design-"

"I was kidding. I'll go with that one."


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