A/n: Short chapter of Taehyung's thoughts and motives. Hopefully next chapter will be longer. <3
I sat down at my desk with a cup of coffee in hand. Namjoon hyung walked in after my carrying some papers.
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"Did you have a meeting?" I asked full of curiosity.
"Yeah with Mr. Jeon. The opening date is coming close," hyung said.
"A meeting without me?" I asked frustrated.
"He asked for me alone," hyung said.
I sighed. Jungkook didn't change one bit, because he was still as stubborn as ever.
"You know you still didn't explain to me what went on between the two of you," Namjoon said.
"Oh I forgot. To put it simply we dated a couple of years ago," I said.
"I'm guessing you were the one who left him?" he asked.
"In a way... but It wasn't my fault! My father died and I rushed out to get on the last train. My phone was stolen before I got on the train so I had no way of contacting Jungkook. Then I came here to take over this company with you because I had no other choice," I said.
Namjoon nodded slowly taking all the information in.
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"I see. Did you tell him what happened?" hyung asked.
"The stubborn ass won't even listen to me!" I yelled in frustration.
Namjoon hyung took off his glasses and rubbed his face.
"Sometimes you have to be forceful to let it out Taehyung. Make it so that he comes to you instead of you going to him," Namjoon suggested.
"But how?" I asked.
The only thing that might force Jungkook to come was if I ended up in the hospital. Like how would I fake that?
Hyung's phone started ringing and I saw a slow smile appear on his face.
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"Who is it? Your new boyfriend?" I teased.
"Were getting there," Namjoon replied before picking up the call.
"Oh hi Mr. Seok- sorry Jin I was almost formal there," he said walking out the room.
Everyone's love life was going fine expect mine! Fucking fantastic. I was happy for hyung though. I believe he never dated after that messy breakup last year.
The window was open and some of Namjoon's papers were flying around the room. I closed the window with the remote and picked up some of the papers. The papers indicated that we still needed to appoint someone who would run the bar down at Jungkook's new restaurant. Hmmmm. Why can't that not be me?
When Namjoon came back into the room I pushed the paper I was holding towards him.
"I want to work at Privilege so you don't have to worry about appointing someone else. I can take of care of everything down there," I said.
"Are you sure? It might be a little difficult and this is technically your company," hyung said.
"I didn't sign up for this without thinking about the consequences. Even after coming here I could've turned the opportunity down, but I stayed and completed my studies to continue my father's dream. As for the company I'm leaving it in your hands your more than capable of doing so," I said.
"Alright and thanks for your vote of confidence," he said.
"Yes! Don't overthink anything hyung you'll do great!" I said excitedly.
My first plan to GJB failed miserably. I just couldn't get him to talk to me without him getting pissed. My next plan was to work at his restaurant. He'd be forced to see me everyday and talk to me. I just hope he won't crush my heart further, because I don't know how much more I can take of his rejection.