"Jiyeon be careful beside Youngjin. Just place your hand beside him," I said pointing to my son and daughter.
"Appa I want to hug him though!" Jiyeon complained pouting.
"Jiyeon please listen to appa and pose cutely. I promise to give you a present for being a good girl," Taehyung said beside me.
Jiyeon perked up at the word 'present' and finally agreed to do as I told her. I clicked the button and the photo was finally taken.
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Youngjin started crying so Taehyung tossed Jiyeon's favourite chocolate to me, and took Youngjin away into his room to feed him. I rubbed Jiyeon's hair, and kissed her forehead.
"It's sleep time princess," I said.
"What about my chocolate?" Jiyeon asked.
"Tomorrow morning for breakfast," I replied.
She sighed but settled into her bed with her blanket.
"Good night appa," Jiyeon said smiling.
I closed the door to her room and walked into the baby's room to see my other half. This year was very hectic with the marriage in January, Taehyung's small surgery, and creating Youngjin. I looked down to see the ring Taehyung presented to me at our wedding.
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He told me that black represented perfection, safety, and purity. All things that he found with me and I ended up crying on his shoulder while his tears hit my warm neck.
A week after our honeymoon we went to the hospital to talk about Procedure 134340.
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The doctor did some tests on Taehyung and found out that he already had Fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix, and a uterus. They explained that he had Persistent Müllerian Duct Syndrome, which wasn't that harmful to the body.
"The uterus and fallopian tubes develop from a structure called the Müllerian duct, which is present in both male and female fetuses. It typically breaks down in males, but it remains in those with PMDS. Some early signs of PDMS is when your testes remain in your abdomen instead of having descending normally into the scrotum, but in your case everything is normal. Otherwise you could've developed cancer," the doctor said.
I clutched Taehyung's hand in mine and thanked god that he was fine.
"Does that mean I can get pregnant without Procedure 13430?" Taehyung asked.
"Yes, but the problem here is that you don't have an opening to your uterus. So we'll have to perform a small surgery. I can book a date for you next week," the doctor replied.
"Can we have sex right after the surgery is performed or do we have to wait awhile?" I asked.
Taehyung poked me in the ribs with his elbow and I smiled when he hid his face in his hands.
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"You'll have to wait a few weeks before doing anything to make sure the hole doesn't get infected," the doctor said.
We agreed and left the hospital to return the next week and go through with the surgery. After a few weeks of dry humping and hot make out sessions I was finally able to make love to my husband. We lied down together that night and were excited for our baby to be born in a couple months.
I walked into Youngjin's room to find him in Taehyung's strong hold sucking on his milk bottle. I looked up to see Taehyung's pursed lips cooing at our child.
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I sat down beside Taehyung and watched our child drink his milk.
"I still can't believe my eyes baby," I whispered to my husband.
"Same here. I'm just so happy Jungkook and I thank you for giving me this happiness," Taehyung whispered.
We leaned into each other making sure we didn't crush Youngjin, and shared a sweet kiss. After we broke apart we shared some 'I love you's and continued looking at our creation until he dozed off.
[Thank you for embarking on this wonderful journey with me. It has been so much for writing this story. My new project might be up tomorrow, but I haven't started it yet because my last exam in on Tuesday. I love you all and I hope you will continue this journey with me on my new book. <3.]