Collector of Worlds

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Barry's voice echoed across the empty street.

"Please...don't! Don't do this!"

"Now, finally I am free of you."

Savitar's voice rasped as he stood behind Iris, his metal claws holding her shoulder.

"Barry...I love you!" Iris said, tears dripping down her face.

"Hey, no don't say that, alright? You're going to be alright! I'm begging you just..."


"You lose...Barry!"

A blade extended from the speedster's arm...


Barry's eyes snapped open, his body jolted.

As he phased into reality, he found himself floating in midair with his arms and legs restrained.

"Barry?" A familiar voice caught Barry's attention...

Barry looked up and saw Kara floating opposite him, her arms extended out and bound with purple energy like his were.

"Kara? What...what's going on?"

Kara's worried expression didn't change, she didn't even move her lips to speak.

"Kara..." Barry's senses took over.

He began vibrating his hands, trying to phase his way out of...whatever was holding him.

"Come on!"

He vibrated his entire body, using every ounce of his energy and strength...

"It's no use, Barry..." Kara said in a soft voice.

Barry brought his body to a halt, looking at Kara with a drained face.

"Where are we?" Barry whispered.

"I don't know..." Kara murmured, her expression remained the same.

Barry wanted to say more but decided against it.

A long silence took over, forcing Barry into deep thought...

Kara watched his cold expression, trying to find some comfort, hoping he had a plan in how to get out of...whatever this place was.

"You were having a bad dream, weren't you..." she began.

Barry snapped out of his trance and looked up at her.

"Yeah..." Barry said

"What was it about?" Kara whispered.

Barry hesitated.

"It was about Iris, the night she was killed..." Barry trailed off.

Kara flinched.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to..."

"You deserve to know," Barry insisted.

"Only a handful of people know what really happened..."

Kara breathed heavily as she watched Barry's emotions change in ways she never imagined from him.

"I was only told parts of the story...when I came to try and visit you. Cisco said it was a speedster..."

"His name was Savitar," Barry interrupted, his voice was soft and devoid of any emotion.

"He wanted to break me, take away everything I had so that he could become a god."

"That sounds horrible!" Kara said.

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