The Morning After...

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Sunlight seeped through the blinds as a new day began.

With a groan, Barry rolled over on to his side to glance at his alarm clock...


"Just as well I don't have work today..." he mumbled to himself.

Groaning again, Barry lay on his back and closed his eyes...

...until he realized the empty space beside him.

Barry sat up in a fluster, double-checking the neatly made sheets on the other side of the bed.


There was no reply.

I couldn't have been dreaming! Barry's mind said over and over to itself.

The sight of his discarded Flash costume scattered all over the floor settled his mind slightly.

But at the same time made him anxious even more.

The bed covers flew into the air as Barry dashed around the room in a flurry.

He was dressed and out of his apartment before they hit the floor.

Skidding into S.T.A.R. Labs, Barry quickly threw his suit on to its mannequin.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty!" Cisco grinned, lifting his head from the central monitor.

Barry froze, turning around slowly and awkwardly.

Caitlin was sitting next to him with a slight smirk on her face.

"Morning guys, is everything OK?" Barry asked nervously.

"Everything's great, man!" Cisco grinned even wider.

Barry opened his mouth to speak...

"So...did you sleep in that or what?" Cisco pointed curiously at Barry's suit.


"Cisco!" Caitlin frowned.

She now looked at Barry with a smile.

"Kara came through here this morning."

"What?!" Barry's heart began to pound.

"Where is she? Did she say anything?"

Cisco began to snigger, which earned him a slap on the arm.

"OW!" Cisco glared at Caitlin.

"Nothing much..." Caitlin said, lifting her glare from Cisco.

"She had to go to work...and didn't want to wake you." Caitlin smiled.

Barry felt the back of his neck catch fire.

"I...I have to go talk to her," Barry said before dashing out of the room.

Caitlin and Cisco sat in silence for a moment...


Caitlin glared at Cisco again.

Barry was back in National City, barely registering the transition between universes.

This was a fast morning for Barry...faster than usual.

His mind was probably moving faster than he was.

A million different thoughts flooded his brain, most of them were about Kara.

What happened last night?

Is Kara OK?

Did we move forward too quickly?

Barry's mind was still moving at the speed of light as he came skidding into the D.E.O.

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