Chapter 5 - Beware, Shark

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Grandma tossed Abby and I our aprons. Since both our lifeguarding shifts started at 2PM, we would be waitressing at the cafe until then.

"You girls had better be glad I found two waitresses willing to take the afternoon shift." Grandma muttered darkly and Abby and I smiled kind of weakly. We both knew what she was capable of, and to be completely honest she scared me.

Getting back to work, I tucked a lock of hair behind my ear and approached a table, notepad ready.


"Table for four." I heard someone say behind me. For some reason I smelled rain. You know that gorgeous fresh smell after it rains a lot and it smells amazing? No? Just me? Anyway, I smelled that.

I blew my hair off my face as I turned to the new group. The place was super crowded and I had been running around for the past hour. I was a tad sweaty.

I was greeted by a familiar pair of amused hazel eyes.

"Max." I said in astonishment.

"Hiya." Samantha stepped out from behind him, followed by Jake and another girl I didn't know the name to.

"Hey guys. Whatcha doing here?" I asked. "No, sir! Please watch your child." I called out, exasperated as a kid was trying to pull the tablecloth out from under the plates. The parents blinked blankly at me, not doing anything to stop their son.

"Well if he breaks all those plates you're going to have to pay for them." I muttered under my breath, and at the sound of the word 'pay', the father immediately picked up the little boy and started scolding him.

I rolled my eyes before turning back to the group in front of me. Max chuckled and I knew he watched the whole scene.

"This is our usual hangout." Samantha explained. "Oh, and this is Lily, she's Jacob's girlfriend." Samantha nodded to the girl with black hair and blue eyes.

"Shannon Miller, nice to meet you." I smiled and Lily smiled back.

"Still waiting for that table Princess." Max cut in and I scowled at him, irritated that he was still calling me that.

"Over there." I pointed to a table for four in the corner without sparing them another glance as Grandma glowered at me from the kitchen and I ran to collect the plates for the new table.

The four of them ordered tons of food again, and as soon as I set their plates down in front of them, dug in ravenously.

People were just starting to file out around this point, so I leaned against the counter and watched Abby handle the last order for the only other occupied table other than Max's group of friends in the cafe.

I watched the four friends roar with laughter and found myself studying them, analyzing them. That's the problem with my job. I keep doing it even when I don't have to.

Anyway, Samantha was scrolling through her phone and occasionally showing memes to the table which was when the table burst into laughter loud enough to fill up the entire cafe. Sometimes she didn't bother sharing the contents of her phone with others and just smirked to herself, making me wonder what she was looking at. 

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