Be with You

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Flashback from the day of Finn's cheating:

POV: Finn

"Rachel!" I called her.

"Oh-uh, Hi Finn! W-What was it?" She said as she came near me. I can tell that she's feeling nervous talking to me.

"N-Nothing. I just want to say hi! and Hi to you too Kurt!" I said as I got my things out of my locker.

"Really? You just noticed me now?" Kurt sarcastically said.

"Very funny Kurt." Rachel said.

*School bell rings*

"So see you guys later in glee club." I said and waved good bye. But Rachel stopped me,

"Uh, W-wait Finn! So, I was wondering that, since glee club's a lot of work, maybe we can practice later in the auditorium?" She said, yet somehow with a seductive tone.

"N-n-Sure! T-that would be awesome. S-see you later at 4." Then I walked away, though I heard a high five between Kurt and Rachel when I turned around, but, maybe I was just hearing things.

I almost said no, I was hesitant because I was kinda developing feelings for her, I know she's kinda all up on me all the time and it's obvious she's in love with me, but there's just something about her that is.. Unique? or special, yes that's the word, Special.

"Woah, for a minute there I almost forgot that I have a girlfriend." I whispered to myself as I entered Spanish class.

I never really talked about Quinn with Rachel, though the three of us are in the glee club together I think only some know that Quinn and I are dating and I think Rachel isn't one of them.

"Hey Finn! Come sit with me!" Quinn waved at me.

I smiled at her and sat next to her.

"Why are you late?" She said.

"Mr.Schue's not even here yet?"

"You know we always go here early in Spanish class, Mr. Schue doesn't like having his glee kids late during his classes."

"Oh yeah, well, uhh. Maybe, I just took extra time walking in the hallway this time, I guess." I lied.

"Really huh? Ok." Quinn said as started to scan her notes.

Fast forward to 3:58 pm:

I immediately proceeded to the auditorium. Luckily, I ran into Rachel in the hallway, so we went there together.

"Here we are!" Rachel said excitedly as we walked towards the piano.

"OK so let's get started?"

"Ok, we'll start with the basics first." Rachel said as she started to play the piano as I sang the corresponded notes.

After minutes of practicing the both of us got tired and bored so we decided to sit on the floor and just talk.

"Hitting those high notes were harder than I've expected." I said to break the silence.

"Well, not really, of course if you're me and undergone so much vocal lessons it wouldn't have been that hard and maybe because you lack my years of training. B-but, uhh, I mean you'll get it eventually." Rachel chuckled.

"You're really talented Rachel, that's what I like most about you." I said

"R-really? Y-y-you l-like me?" Rachel stuttered I can tell she's blushing though.

"You can say that." I replied.

My heart was beating very fast, I don't know what I was feeling, but whatever it is, it felt good.

"W-What are you doing?" Rachel said as I held her hand.

"I'm holding your hand, what does it look like I'm doing." I joked, the both of us blushed.

Rachel went in for a kiss, but she pulled away.

"W-wait, I-I can't do this." She said.

"Right now, I just want to be with you.. Just you." I said as I closed my eyes and went in for the kiss.

"B-but Fi-"

Right before she can finish saying my name, I kissed her. That kissing turned into a passionate make out session.

*Mail man, mail man!*

"Uh, oh! I-I.. I have to go!" I said as I pulled away.

"D-did I do something wrong? I'm s-sorr-"

"Y-You didn't. I-Its just, I am.. with.. Uh, see you later!" I stuttered as I rushed out of the auditorium.

As I walked through the hallways, I got a text from Quinn, "Finn, where are you?".

"I'm not feeling well, I'm going straight home, see you tomorrow. Love yo-" I typed but erased it:

"I'm not feeling well, I'm going home, see you tomorrow." Then I pressed send.

"Ok, I love you." Quinn replied.

I didn't know what to reply, I was feeling guilty, so I deleted the text and pretended that I didn't get it.

"Finn! You okay?" I turned around and it was Santana.

"W-what do you want? I-Im fine, why do you ask?" I said, Santana seems suspicious.

"Nothing, just checking." She said as a smirk appeared on her face and just left.

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