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Quinn's POV:

"You've done well Q." Coach Sue said.

Santana, Brittany and I exchanged smiles.

"Destroying the most talented member of the glee club to make her quit and making the chances of the New Directions to win in sectionals to a zero? Keep doing it!" Sue added.

"After what she did to me and Finn? She deserved it!" I said angrily.

"Well, I don't quite care about that." Sue said. "Now get the hell out of my office!"

The three if us headed out and walked in the hallway.

"You should've seen her face when Karofsky slushied her!" I said in between laughs.

"Nice!" Santana replied as she laughed with me.

"But I thought we love being in glee club? If we lose Rachel and lose, the club'll get suspended." Brittany interrupted.

Santana and I looked at each other.

"At the moment, I don't care! I just want Rachel to shave her hair off!" I said.

"But Brittany does have a point Quinn.." Santana said.

"Shut up!" I told her.

"So.. What's next?" Santana said.

"Something bigger.." I said as I grinned at them.. Santana grinned back.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Come on! We have to go to the boy's locker room.." I said and signalled them to.

"I once saw Lord Tubbington smoking in the boy's Locker room.." Brittany said out of nowhere.

Santana and I laughed at her and we went our way to the locker room.

"Karofsky!" I yelled.

"What is it now?" Karofsky said.

"Don't sass us!" Santana said.

"I have something for you to do." I said and whispered it to Karofsky.

"I want you to..*whispers*"

"You got it?" Santana said as I pulled away after.

"Alright. But once I get in trouble I'll expose you." Karofsky said.

"Calm down tiger. You won't. I'll make sure of it. Just make sure Finn isn't there when we do it." I said as he nodded.

"This afternoon?" he said.

"This afternoon." I said as we parted ways.

"Quinn, Brittany and I have to go to class. See you later." Santana said as we exchanged goodbyes and I proceeded to my class as well.

Fast forward to dismissals and the unholy trinity met up at the hallway..

"Here's the megaphone you wanted me to get." Santana said as she handed it to me.

"Perfect." I replied.

"There she is!" Brittany said as she pointed at Rachel.

"Text Karofsky now, Quinn." Santana said and I nodded.

"Karofsky! Its time! She's with Tina Cohen Barf, Aretha and Gay Hummel." I texted Karofsky.

After a few he replied: "Ok."


Rachel's POV:

After my conversation with Finn, I immediately wiped my tears off and met up with Tina, Kurt and Mercedes.

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