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Back to the Present:

"Dude what the hell?! You cheated on the hottest and most popular girl in school with a loser who wears tights? Dude, you messed up big time!" Puck said.

"Oh come on bro! Where did the 'cheering me up' go?" Finn sarcastically said.

"Then what are you gonna do now? Its not like you're gonna do a slow motion run into Rachel's arms and live happily ever after... do you?" Puck said suspiciously with his eyes squinted.


"Oh no no! Dude! Are you serious?"

"I'm really confused bout my feelings okay?!" Finn said loudly, but not that loud, loud enough for the both of them to hear.

"Don't worry, all you need is just a little 'bro-vention' and chillaxing." Puck replied.

"Look! I don't need a brovention or a chilly-axing or whatever you call that! I just need some time alone!" Finn angrily said.

Puck sighed as the class began, both were silent during the whole discussion.

"See you all tomorrow." The teacher said as she left the room.

"What happened? You like, blacked out during the whole class!" Puck blurted out.

"I just-"

"Look, if you want a shoulder to lean on, I'm here." Puck said as he rubbed my shoulder.

"Dude, you sound gay right now." I chuckled

"Wtf? Shut up!" he said as he lightly punched me in the shoulder.

"I was joking!" I said as I punched back.

"I know! So.. What are you gonna do now?"

"I've been thinking, that's what I was doing during the whole class, in case youre wondering and I have to set things right." I replied.


"I don't know."

"Dude! I got to go! I don't know about you but I'm late for my next class." Puck said as he rushed out of the classroom.

"See you later man!" I said, then after a  minute or two, I decided to talk to Rachel.

"Hey Rachel! I was about to-"

"You Liar!"

*Rachel slaps Finn real hard!*


"How could you! You never told me that you were with Quinn!" Rachel said as she began to get teary eyed.

"Look Rache-"

"I thought I was the only one! I was such a fool for thinking that someone like me could be with someone like you! I thought you are different!" Rachel continued.

"How did you find out?"

"I overheard your conversation with Quinn!"

"Rachel, look, I'm so so sorry! I know I messed up BIG time! I really like Quinn and all but I was thought about it really hard and I realized that I-"

"I know you have feelings for me but you're just afraid to admit it! But kissing me while being with someone else? UNACCEPTABLE!" She said as she stormed out crying.

"I-I want to be with you." I whispered to myself.

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