You're my Bro

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(A/N: As we all know, today is one of the hardest/saddest days of gleeks everywhere, today's the 1st Anniversary of Cory's Death. We love you big guy. This one's for you.)

Finn's POV:

"Finn!" Puck said waving at me.

"Hey!" I replied as I approached him.

"So how did it go?"

"did what go?"

"With Rachel and Quinn obviously." Puck said.

"Oh, uh. I confronted Rachel yesterday and as a result, I got slapped in the face!"

"Oooooh! Di-"

"Yes, it hurt.. a lot!" I said aloud.

"That's cool bro, I get slapped by cougars all the time!" Puck chuckled.

"Easy for you to say. You didn't love the person who slapped you!" I said realizing that my tongue slipped.

"Wait, dude what the hell!? Are you serious!? You're inlove with Rachel?!" Puck said shaking his head.

"Well, I thought about it and I realized that I don't love Quinn as much because I kissed Rachel, well not enough to not hurt her."

"Big mistake bro. Big big big big mistake." Puck said.

"Look ,just listen. I kissed Rachel because the moment we did it, I felt like I loved her or something because my heart really beat fast and.. I just can't explain it." I said.

"I understand dude." Puck sighed.

"You do?!" I said feeling a little surprised.

"I do. Well, I do sure know what being in love feels like."

"In love eh? you never mentioned anything about that?"

"You'll know soon. but the point here is, you're my bro, the minute you do something, right or wrong, I have nothing to do but to help you with it." Puck said as he rubbed my shoulders.

"Seriously?" I said sarcastically but I was touched.

"Oh shut up!" He said as he like lightly punched me in the shoulder, yet again.


"But seriously, we're bros for life, aren't we?"

"Yeah we are!" I said as we fist bumped.

"No matter what happens,  Im hete for ya. We're bros from another mother. I love you bro!" He said.

"Dude, you sound a little gay right now, but you're right! This is another collection to our Bromances, huh?"

"I'm gonna say it again, just SHUT UP!" Puck said.

"Come on! We have to make things right, right?" I said.

"Right right right. Let's go!"

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