There was Never an Us

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(A/N: Guys! I'm so sorry for the wait.. I hope you liked this chapter and I just want to say thank you for your reviews. It really means a lot to me! and 500 views! Its just crazy! I know its a small number but still. and lastly, I'm sorry I can't answer you guys on your reviews because I can't comment on your reviews because Wattpad says that I have to verify my account to be able to comment when I already verified it. idk why. but nevertheless.. A BIG THANK YOU GUYS!)

Rachel's POV:


"Ugh! Oh my god! What time is it?" I said to myself woken up by the stupid alarm clock.


"Alright! I'm up!" I then turned my alarm clock off. "Oh my God! I'm late!" I said as I rushed my self to the bathroom and took a bath.

As I finished everything and headed out to school, my phone rang..

It was a text from Kurt. "Rachel?! Where are you? You're late! Classes start in 5 minutes!"

but it already has 5 new messages and it was from Jesse. I didn't even bother to read his texts and just deleted them..

Then it rang again and his time it was from Quinn..

It said: "Hi Dwarf! Hurry up, 'cause I can't wait to see you here in school... So I can make your life a LIVING HELL."

"Ugh! Another day, another bruise I guess.." I said as I called on a taxi, so it would be faster for me to arrive in school. But my heart was pounding.

As I arrived at school, I immediately ran myself to my first period, only looking straight and doing my best not to bump into Quinn.

Just as I was a hallway away from the classroom.. Quinn was in her locker..

"BERRY!" Quinn shouted at me as I walked right pass her.

I ignored her and just kept on walking but she was giggling..

Then.. *splash* Karofsky slushied me on the face, yet again..

"Nice Make Up Loser!" Karofsky said as he highfived his fellow footballer.

"Quinn!" I shouted.

Quinn just laughed at me.

I ran to the bathroom, crying.

As soon as I entered the bathroom I cried my eyes out..

"T-that b-bitch!" I said to myself.

Then I heard someone flush down the toilet..

I immediately washed my face and wiped the tears off my face. The stall's door opened and it was Tina.

"Rachel? Oh my god! Are you okay?!" Tina said as she ran to me.

"Y-yes. I-im okay!" I said..

"No you're not! Let me help you.." Tina said as she helped me.

"Thank you."

"Rachel, what happened?" Tina asked.

"Quinn's what happened." I replied.

"Again? Look, Rachel, we heard about you and Quinn and we feel sorry for you and Quinn needs to be stopped. She's in glee club yet she's sti-"

"I know."

"We should tell Mr. Schue about this."

"N-no! Just.. no. Look Tina, I appreciate you guys trying to help but.. this is my hill to climb low. Telling Mr. Schue is just gonna fuel Quinn's hate for me even more."

"J-just remember, were here for you.. Alright there you go!" She said as she wiped off the last drop of slushy on my face and clothes.

"Thanks Tina, so much!" I thanked as I hugged her tight.

"Ok, come on! I have  an extra dress in my locker, in case I get slushied too, you can borrow it." Tina said.

"Ok." I replied with a big smile on my face. "But I'm afraid.. maybe Quinn's outside waiting for me.."

"Don't worry. I'll protect you." She said as she as she took my hand.

"Alright." I said and we giggled.

Fast forward to class dismissals and I was walking in the hallways about to meet up with Kurt, Tina and Mercedes.. But I ran into Finn.

"Rachel!" Finn grabbed me behind my back.

"Look, Finn.. I thought I made it very clear tha-"

"Yes.. I know. I've been thinking a lot about you last night and I just can't stand seeing you with someone else without me doing anything about it."

"Finn, stop! I told you.. J-Jesse.."

"I know you don't love him. You can't just be in love with someone you just met! Life isn't Disney. And I know you're not dating Jessie.."


"Rachel.. I love you! I love you so much! I know it's too late for me but I won't give up on you.. on us."

"There was never an US Finn." I said, completely dying inside for saying so.

"Take a chance with me Rachel. I want to be with you."

"I want to. But.. I just can't."

"Why? If it's because of Quinn again I-"

"Just stop Finn! I-I just can't! Okay?" I said. "I have to go." I then just walked away crying..

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