Colour 21- Where is Gouri??

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Day after tomorrow is Om's birthday.There has been no information about Gouri till now; her phone is switched off. But Om didn't want to make his mom said; he told her that Gouri had gone to visit her friend & will come on his birthday. He told the truth only to bhabhi.

He was sure that she is not in bareilly as aayi as in OM. She had only one friend Archisha in Mumbai; but she wasn't there too.He searched maximum locations; but suddenly it stroke him that someone might have harmed her. She hadn't taken her dresses , so she had planned for a casual trip only. Also the securities had seen her going on foot; she didn't want anyone to accompany her.

He was sure that Svety might have done something as she was planning an attack in OM.He didn't have any way to find her. He could feel the same fear as he felt when Kali had trapped her. He was mentally cursing him on talking nonsense to her. 

One day had passed.Om was very much disturbed.He didn't want all these celebrations without Gouri. He tried all means to reach her but was of no use. The whole day he spent in his gallery, reminiscing his old moments with Gouri; he was very much broken.He had apologized a 100 times to her in his mind.

It was 7 pm, he came back to home.He saw jhanvi, she asked for gouri.He had to lie that she would come the next day.He wanted to take off all decorations; he felt all these useless.

He freshened & went to the balcony.It was beautifully lit up with dim lights. As he watched around he saw something covered ; it was a canvas. As he opened it, he was amazed.It was his portrait; with open hair, glowing eyes & a wide yet soft smile.He wondered who could do this; there was no one other than him who could do portraits like this. Suddely somehing sparked on his head.

He ran from the balcony & just below the stairs he saw something which his eyes had been longing for; Gouri. Yes, he thought it was a dream; yes it was a dream.A dream which could give real happiness for him; a dream which could make his heart run fast & lose his senses.

He ran to her.She had a blank face.
O: gouri, where were you? ha..tell me? tell me gouri.

She was staring angrily @ Om's eyes & turned to go.

He caught her by wrist; he couldn't afford to lose her again.He feared that. He turned her towards him.
He took hold of her waist; she gasped.

O: Answer me gouri...come on!!!! Where were you????

She wasn't least feared by his order; because she was dabbang gouri!!!

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