Chapter 11 - Stupid Feelings

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Dean was pacing up and down the kitchen with his phone in his hand. Where the hell was his brother? Sam had told him he'd got a ride, not that he was going to spend the entire evening god knows where.

When he finally heard the front door open, he practically ran towards the hallway. He walked in just in time to see his little brother enter the house drenched to the skin.

"For God's sake, Sam, where the hell have you been?" he yelled. "Have you got any idea how worried I was when you still weren't at home at 9pm? You don't think you could at least let me know where you were or what you were going to do after school? And why the fuck do you look like you just came out of a fucking swimming pool?"

"I'm sorry, Dean," Sam said, dripping on the floor. "How where things with Michael?"

Dean sighed and pointed at the stairs. "Just get your ass up there and go put some dry clothes on, you're gonna get yourself sick."

Sam nodded and ran up the stairs. When he was about halfway, he called, "You haven't answered my question yet!"

"And I'm not going to!" Dean replied before heading back to the kitchen. He grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat down at the kitchen table. God knows he'd deserved it.

About ten minutes later Sam came down again, dressed in his pj's and a towel in his hand with which he tried to dry his hair a little. That's what you get if you wear it like that, Dean thought. And only then did he notice the ridiculously broad grin plastered on his brother's face.

"What are you smiling about? I'm still pissed at you," he announced, taking another pull from his beer.

Sam looked at him guiltily and mumbled an apology, but there was still a hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, now where were you?" Dean tried again.

"Out," Sam said evasively. "With a friend."

"Out where and with which friend?" the older Winchester pushed.

Sam shrugged. "Doesn't matter, you wouldn't know them anyway."

Dean pulled up an eyebrow. "This friend isn't possibly female, are they?"

Sam's eyes grew wide immediately, a hurt look appearing on his face. Without another word he walked out of the kitchen. Dean instantly regretted what he'd said and went after his brother.

"Sam. Sam, wait!" he said while rushing into the hallway. Sam stopped but he didn't turn around. "Listen, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that, okay? I didn't mean it like that. It's just... dammit, Sammy, I haven't seen you this happy in ages. And I've really missed it."

For a couple of seconds it was completely silent. Then Sam slowly faced him and mumbled, "I'm going to bed. Goodnight." He went up the stairs without looking back.

"Night, Sammy," Dean sighed. Dammit.

He went back to the living room and put on the TV to clear his mind but it only took his thoughts two minutes to drift off again.

Michael's younger brother hadn't been easy on him. He'd kept on asking what this was about and Dean evidently went on avoiding the question.

Eventually Castiel had sighed and said, "Is this about Michael?"

Dean had sworn under his breath. "Okay, fine. Yes, it is. Happy now?"

"Happy doesn't seem like an accurate description."

Dean had frowned and shaken his head in confusion. This guy was such a mystery sometimes.

At the end, after a lot of misunderstandings and awkward silences, Castiel had agreed to meet up with him tomorrow morning before school. Normally he'd hate to get up that early but this was an emergency. He had to talk about this before he came face to face with Michael again and Castiel was the only one who knew what was going on. At least Dean hoped not all the Shurleys did.

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