Chapter 50 - Second Tries

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When the school bell announced lunch time, Sam told Kevin to go ahead while he went to Dean's locker. His brother had texted him during second period to ask if they could talk in private for a minute. Even though he was definitely surprised by the request, Sam hadn't hesitated for a second. If Dean needed him for whatever it was, he'd be there.

The older Winchester was already waiting for him, taking his time to put some of his books away.

"Hey," Sam greeted him. "What's going on?"

"Dude, look what I just found in my locker," Dean said, subtly handing him a stack of bills.

Sam's eyes grew big at the sight of the money. They were twenties and there was a lot of them. There was also a note tied to the stack.

'This should cover any damage to the car. - T,' it read, in a familiar handwriting.

"I'm guessing T is for Trickster," Dean commented. "Don't know why the asshole didn't just sign with his name."

"He just gave you a couple hundred bucks," Sam huffed. "Don't you think it's time to bury the axe now?"

Dean gave him an incredulous look. "That son of a bitch messed with my Baby. We may be even again, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop hating his guts for what he did."

"Fine, whatever." Sam didn't even know why he had thought Dean could ever forgive anyone who did as much as touch his car. Not that it mattered. "Anyway, what did you need to talk about?"

"Right." Dean looked around the hallway to make sure that the majority of the mass had cleared out before he answered. "There's something I gotta tell you actually."

While he had first thought that there had to be an emergency, and that the news would have to be bad, Sam could now see hints of a smile tugging at the corners of Dean's mouth before he tried to suppress them. It was quite the surprise, considering basically everything was bad news these days. The only thing that Sam could think about that even could be good was their dad coming home, but there was no reason for Dean to be so sneaky about that.

"See, the thing is," Dean started, clearing his throat, "you know how I've been hanging out with Cas a lot lately, right?"

That definitely got Sam's attention. He suddenly had a feeling he might finally find out if there was more to his brother's friendship with Castiel than he had led on. He knew better than to say that out loud though, so he kept it at a simple, "Yeah."

Now Dean really couldn't keep himself from smiling anymore. "Yeah well, we kinda decided that we... really like each other, you know?"

"Dean, are you telling me that you and Cas are dating?" Sam asked, now with a grin of his own.

"Pretty much, yeah," Dean admitted, automatically looking away out of embarrassment because no matter what, talking about his feelings would never be the older Winchester's thing.

Sam was over the moon though. "Dean, that's amazing!"

"It's not that big a deal, okay?" Dean was quick to say. Then he stopped for a moment. "I mean, it's... it's awesome, but... I mean, it's still..."

Before his brother could get any worse, Sam decided to intervene. "All I'm saying is I'm happy for you, man."

"Thanks, Sammy."

"You should bring him over again. Give me a chance to properly get to know him this time," he suggested.

Dean's voice returned to a grumble. "Yeah, if I ever get him out of Michael's creepy claws."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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