Chapter 49 - Some Things Are Meant To Be

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The next day, Dean was nervous. He hadn't talked to Cas anymore. Not because he didn't want to per se, but more because every time he picked up his phone to text him, he didn't know what to say. What could he say?

But now he was going to see Cas at school and there would be no avoiding it. That was if Michael hadn't locked him up in a dungeon to prevent him from seeing Dean anyway. A couple of weeks ago Dean would have said that even Michael couldn't be that crazy but nowadays he honestly didn't know anymore.

He shook the idea out of his head. No, he was just going to have to find a way to talk to Cas - preferably without attracting the attention of any other Shurleys - and figure out what the hell had happened Friday and how they were going to go on further.

Dean had been thinking, a lot, and he thought he might actually want to see where this could go. Kissing Cas had been... well, pretty amazing to be honest. He was almost ready to admit to himself that he would like to do it again. But was he really up for something more? See, this was why he needed Cas, he would find a way to make sense of Dean's emotions, he always did.

He needed Cas. Shit, had he really just thought that? It was true though, deep down he knew it was. Ever since the Shurleys had moved to Lawrence, his life had been turned completely upside down, but Cas had been the one constant through it all.

Once Sam had set off to find Kevin, Dean started his own search. As expected, he eventually spotted Cas with a group of his siblings at one of their lockers. Well, so far for having a conversation in person.

With a sigh, he grabbed his phone and leaned against the wall. 'Hey, can we talk?'

Cas's eyes immediately found him when he got the text, although he quickly looked away again before reading it and answering, 'Okay. I will tell my family I'm going to the bathroom and meet you there in five minutes.'

Dean nodded to himself and took off, to the bathroom. At least he wouldn't have to face Michael and his following today. This was already going to be stressful enough without yet another argument. He quickly forced any thoughts of stress aside. That was not how he wanted to go into this. This was Cas, and Cas was the exact opposite of stressful. Dean knew how he felt about him. If he was being perfectly honest with himself, he knew what he wanted. Now he just had to find a way to actually say it.

There were only a few people in the bathroom, two of the stalls occupied and a couple others who were just about to leave. Dean hoped that none of the guys still doing their business was Bartholomew or something.

As he waited, guys came in and left again, but luckily none of them were Shurleys. Despite his best efforts to remain patient, Dean was about ready to jump out of his skin by the time Cas finally walked through the door though. Not that any of that mattered once he did. A little smile appeared around Cas's lips when he saw him, which in return immediately made Dean grin like an idiot.

"Sorry it took me so long," Cas said. "My siblings can be very persistent and they already are suspicious of me."

"Don't worry about it, man. We still got-" Still smiling, Dean looked at his watch. "- two whole minutes before first class."

Cas frowned, clearly missing the humor in his voice. "That isn't a lot of time. What did you want to talk about?"

Right, the reason they were here. "Look, I just thought we probably have to talk about what happened yesterday."

"Okay," Cas nodded.

Dean didn't know why he was even surprised he was going to have to spell it out. "I just mean, when I... When you... When we uhm, you know..."

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