Chapter 37 - Hello...? Trickster!

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Fun fact: the 37th episode of Supernatural is "Tall Tales", aka the first episode with Gabriel in it. Did I do that on purpose? Well... yes and no, actually. I mean, I realized a couple of chapters ago but even if I hadn't, it would've probably worked out this way too... So yay! :D


The next day Sam determinedly stamped into the school building. He'd already texted Lucifer there was something he needed to do and they'd agreed to meet during first break. But right now, Sam had a Trickster to search for and beat the shit out of.

It was surprisingly easy to find the Shurley boy with the golden hair. Maybe even a bit too easy. As soon as Sam spotted those defying ember eyes, the guy's lips curled around his lollypop in an arrogant smirk, and Sam marched towards his goal. The Trickster's smile grew wider... and then he turned around and started walking away.

Oh hell no, Sam thought to himself and quickly made his way after the Trickster. He was led throughout different hallways, up and down staircases, out of and back into the school building, and Sam couldn't help but recall the time when the Trickster had given him a private tour past all of his victims.

The older boy ended up going into an empty classroom and Sam seized his opportunity. He ran for the door, afraid the Trickster might make some mysterious disappearance if he didn't catch him in time. He entered the classroom, frantically looking around before the door slammed shut behind him. Jumping at the loud blow, he turned around and there he was.

The Trickster dropped his hand from the handle and popped the sucker out of his mouth.

"Sam Winchester," he said with a charming smile. "Nice to finally meet you."

Sam narrowed his eyes at him. "Quit the small talk. I know it was you who messed with Dean yesterday."

"So?" the Trickster commented, lifting an eyebrow.

"So?" Sam huffed. "Listen, I don't care about your stupid tricks but you need to keep the hell away from my brother. He's had enough bullshit lately without you adding to the pile. Why are you even doing this to him? Is this fun for you? Tricking Dean over and over again?"

The other boy shrugged. "One, yes. It is fun. And two? This is so not about tricking Dean." He pointed his finger at Sam and circled it around a few times. "This joke is on you, Sam."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Sam said with a frown.

"Well, you're here, aren't ya?" the Trickster laughed. "What better way to lure you out than toying a little with your bro?"

Sam's eyes grew big and if looks could kill, the Trickster would've turned to ash in the blink of an eye. "You son of a bitch."

If the guy even noticed, he ignored Sam completely. "He even agreed to it, if you must know. Not the details of course, but he knew I needed to talk to you and he was willing to help."

"He'd never do that," Sam said and shook his head. He didn't know what the Trickster wanted with them but he had to be lying.

"Okay, so maybe he didn't realize what he was stepping into - probably still doesn't - but he did agree on the two of us having a little conversation."

Yeah, he wasn't believing a single word of that. "Why would he do that? I don't even know your name."

The Trickster shot him an annoyed glance. "Gabriel, okay?" he said. "They call me Gabriel."

"Gabriel?" Sam asked, trying to remember some of the gossip that went around when the Shurleys first got here. "One of the senior Shurleys?"

Gabriel tilted his head in a little nod. "Guilty."

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