Chapter 27 - Once Upon A Heaven...

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I'm praying to Luci, Chuck and Crowley that this chapter works out. I did a little POV experiment and well... Let's just say that if something isn't perfectly clear, that means I'm leaving it open for interpretation xD


"Okay, so the first thing you need to know is that my siblings and I, we're obviously not related. We're all adopted," Michael started.

"No kidding," Dean commented sarcastically. Not only were they all way too different, there was also no way one person had so many biological children. That just... wasn't possible.

"Now, I may be the oldest... but I wasn't the first."

"What?" Okay, so he hadn't seen that one coming. Actually, Dean could hardly fathom it at all. Of all the Shurleys Michael definitely seemed closest to their father, so it would've made sense if he was the first one to be adopted too. "Then who was?"


"Before Chuck Shurley adopted me," Lucifer explained. "I lived at a foster home. Never knew my parents. I grew up in that place... And so did Michael."

Sam's eyes grew big. "Wait..."

"What?" Dean interrupted, staring at Michael in disbelief. "You knew each other before Chuck adopted you?"

Michael nodded, a painful look on his face. "I've known Lucifer all my life. We were best friends as a matter of fact."

"So what happened?" Sam asked in confusion and Lucifer shrugged.

"Chuck Shurley happened."

"What do you mean?" Dean asked.

"We were four years old," Lucifer told Sam, "when one day Chuck walked in. He was looking for a foster kid to adopt. Now, adoption isn't exactly like you're going grocery shopping so he came by several times, sometimes a couple of days in a row. He wanted to get to know us all a bit better, see who he got along with best."

Michael smiled sadly. "Lucifer and me, we were crazy about him. Adored him. And he liked us too."

"But obviously he was there to take home only one child."

Sam huffed in disbelief. He thought he started to understand why Lucifer wasn't that close to his father. He guessed it wasn't that strange, Lucifer's dad had only planned on adopting one kid after all, but he had a bad feeling about where this was going.

Carefully, almost afraid to hear the answer, Dean asked, "So who did he choose?"

"He ended up picking me," Lucifer sighed.

"Really?" Dean commented incredulously. "Lucifer?"

"He wasn't always like this," Michael explained. "Back then his name wasn't even Lucifer. Dad wanted to give us a fresh start, he renamed us all."

Sam's jaw dropped. "Your name's not Lucifer?" He had trouble picturing Lucifer not being called Lucifer.

His boyfriend laughed a little at the shock on his face. "My name used to be Nick."


Dean huffed a little. Sure, John was a very common name but it was a funny coincidence.

"But if he chose you, then how did Michael..."

"I begged him," Lucifer interrupted him, looking down as if he was embarrassed to tell Sam. "After he'd taken me aside and told me he wanted me to move in with him, I was over the moon. He took care of all the paperwork and before I knew it, he was taking me home. It was all nice and fun at first but I couldn't stop thinking about John - Michael. I missed him like crazy. Before the end of the week I was begging Chuck to take me back to the foster home or get Michael too."

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