Chapter 32 - Arch Alley Allies

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By the time Friday arrived, Dean was mostly finally starting to feel like himself again. Sure, he still had a long way to go before life would be back to normal but now that him and Cas were back on good terms and talking, he felt a lot better about the whole situation. Talking to Cas always helped him put things in perspective.

That's why he'd wanted to tell the other boy about the note he got from Balthazar. Unfortunately, he eventually had to decide against it. The words had been very clear and Dean had to admit he'd feel bad about betraying that trust, even if it was Balthazar's.

So that's why, when school ended and Dean got home, he texted Cas he would be busy for the rest of the day. He felt a bit guilty about it but technically it wasn't even a lie and he was pretty sure he'd tell Cas what had happened afterwards anyway. If Balthazar didn't swear him to secrecy, that is.

Since Sam was with Lucifer again, Dean took the time to prepare dinner for when he'd get back home. The note had said 5 pm but who knew how long Balthazar was planning on talking to him. He made some pasta with chicken and tomato sauce and put it in the fridge to reheat it later. As he was cleaning the kitchen, he called Bobby.

"Hello?" the familiar, grumpy voice answered.

"Hey Bobby, it's Dean. I was just calling in to say I won't be home for a while and Sam's out too, in case you were planning on stepping by."

Bobby hummed in agreement. "Alright, kid, thanks for letting me know. Where you headed?"

"I met up with a friend," Dean told him. Okay, so maybe he wouldn't normally call Balthazar a friend per se, but it was close enough.

"You know, if it's this Michael guy, you can just say so, I won't bite," Bobby mocked and Dean let out a little laugh, be it not a very genuine one.

"Well, it's not. Trust me." He pulled a notebook out of his backpack and ripped out a sheet. "I'm leaving Sam a note on the counter telling him to give you a call in case he gets home before me. If not, I'll call you back, alright?"

"Sure thing. You boys be careful," Bobby said while Dean was scrabbling down that food was in the fridge.

"Will do. Thanks, Bobby," he nodded before hanging up.

And then he crossed town towards Arch Alley.

He'd had to look it up beforehand but now that he knew where to go, it wasn't that hard to find. It was a very small street in Old West Lawrence, so Dean had to park the Impala a couple of blocks further off. When he got out and made his way to the alley, it was already five and the mid-December sun had slowly started to set. He reached the alley that was situated in between two pretty large buildings, causing it to gloom even faster. Dean guessed there was maybe just enough room for one car. Or at least there would've been without the two dumpsters lining one of the walls. Taking a couple more steps, he frowned and his eyes wandered through the other than that empty lane.

"Balthazar?" he called carefully. He was sure this was the place...

"Dean Winchester," a definitely not British voice answered and he jumped at the sudden sound. "Just the guy I was looking for."

Dean watched in confusion as someone walked out from behind the dumpsters, a feeling that quickly turned into shock when he recognized the short boy with his trademark red lollipop.

"Gabriel?!" Dean exclaimed, surprised he even remembered the guy's name.

It was like the kid could read his mind. "Oh, you remember me! I'm touched," he commented while making his way to Dean.

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